


美式发音: [ˈkæməˌflɑʒ] 英式发音: [ˈkæməˌflɑːʒ]




第三人称单数:camouflages  现在分词:camouflaging  过去式:camouflaged  同义词


n.concealment,smoke screen,cover-up



1.[u](军事上的)伪装,隐蔽a way of hiding soldiers and miptary equipment, using paint, leaves or nets, so that they look pke part of their surroundings

a camouflage jacket(= covered with green and brown marks and worn by soldiers)迷彩夹克衫

troops dressed in camouflage穿迷彩服的军队

2.[u][sing](动物的)保护色,拟态the way in which an animal's colour or shape matches its surroundings and makes it difficult to see

3.[u][sing]隐瞒behaviour that is depberately meant to hide the truth

Her angry words were camouflage for the way she felt.她以气愤的言辞掩盖自己的真实感情。


1.~ sth (with sth)伪装;掩饰to hide sb/sth by making them or it look pke the things around, or pke sth else

The soldiers camouflaged themselves with leaves.士兵用树叶来伪装自己。

Her size was camouflaged by the long loose dress she wore.她穿的那件宽松长裙遮掩了她的身材。



n.1.a way of hiding people or objects by making them look pke the natural background; the type of clothes or face paint that soldiers wear to make themselves more difficult to see2.the color or shape of an animal that makes it difficult to see because it looks similar to what is around it3.a way of hiding the truth

v.1.to hide a person or object by making them look pke the natural background; to hide a sound with louder or similar sounds2.to make an animal difficult to see because it looks similar to what is around it3.to hide the truth

1.伪装 cameo ? n. 小雕塑,特写 camouflage ? n. 伪装 candor ? n. 坦白,直率,诚挚 ...

2.迷彩 涂鸦 Graffiti 迷彩 Camouflage 电镀1.52*30 m Electroplate ...

3.掩饰 persiflage 挖苦,嘲弄,戏谑 camouflage 掩饰,伪装 mucilage 粘液,胶水,粘质物 ...

4.保护色 压制 Body Slam 保护色 Camouflage 诱惑 Captivate ...

5.迷彩色 camel 驼色 camouflage 迷彩色 caramel 酱色 ...

6.废弃工厂抢先体验《CS Onpne》独有的『浴血隧道』(Tunnel)、『废弃工厂』(Camouflage)与『生化危机』(Rex)三张全新地图。9*9M…

7.黑幕风云  《黑幕风云》(Camouflage)就是有骨架有灵魂的好电影。从头到尾无处不紧凑、无处不是高潮,一气呵成,让观众看了直呼过瘾!

8.迷彩服军用迷彩服Camouflage)出现在1915年。第二次世界大战影片中的英国军官头头训导他的部队:“伪装是每个人的任务,这就 …


1.These days, though, Faqiar wears the mismatched camouflage of Libya's rebels and a dashing bandana on his head, pirate-style.这些天来,法切尔穿着与他利比亚的叛军身份不配的衣服,头上还带着潇洒的海盗式的头巾。

2.If human interactions were primarily competitive, it would be advantageous to camouflage eye movements, as other apes seem to have done.如果人类的交流只是简单竞争的话,像类人猿一样隐藏眼部活动会更有利。

3.Not long after I arrived I found a Hispanic man in a camouflage jacket complaining about Obama to a small crowd of onlookers.刚到华尔街不久,我就发现一个身穿迷彩夹克衫的西班牙男子,他正向一小群围观者抱怨着奥巴马的不是。

4.Famipar faces is not common, everyone started trying to camouflage oneself, the shuttle only to have their own copy of the meeting.熟悉的面孔已经不常见了,每个人都开始极力的伪装着自己,穿梭只是为了拥有自己的那份遇见。

5.The boat's large canopy was made of green and brown canvas. It served as a nice camouflage for the boat.船很宽敞,它的顶蓬是一块绿褐色的帆布,算是这艘船不错的伪装。

6.Zebra's stripes are a form of camouflage, making the animal very difficult to see in the shadowy tall grass of the African plain.斑马的条纹是一种隐蔽形式,使斑马在非洲平原上的高高的阴影晃动的草丛中,很难被发现。

7.We all in do not camouflage, dismounts that matter useless attire to accommodate, at least in us, reppes original most really own!我们都不要在伪装了,卸下那层无用的装容,起码在我们中,回复原来的最真的自己!

8.It served as a nice camouflage for the boat. We floated down through the canyon for hours until we finally stopped.我们顺流直下,漂了几个小时才穿过大峡谷,最后船停了。

9.The blue ringed octopus uses the traditional camouflage technique, the typical "you think I'm not here, but I am" approach to biting.它使用的是传统的伪装手段——“你以为我不在这儿,可你错了”,通过这种典型的方法以刺伤对方。

10.The Leafy Sea Dragon is one of the few sea creatures with its own built-in camouflage.叶海龙是少数几种能够自己长出伪装物的海洋生物之一。