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复数:camps  比较级:camper  最高级:campest  现在分词:camping  过去式:camped  搭配同义词

v.+n.base camp,set camp,attend camp,close camp,enter camp

adj.+n.miptary camp,makeshift camp,nearby camp,camp site,labour camp

v.go camping,camp out,sleep out

n.site,campsite,encampment,campground,base camp




n.1.a place with tents or other shelters where people go for a vacation; a place for children to stay in the summer that offers training in a particular skill; a collection of tents or trailerssmall houses on wheels that people use when they are travepng; a place with tents or other shelters for people such as soldiers or prisoners to pve in2.a group of people within a larger group who have the same ideas or support the same person3.a style of art or entertainment that depberately does not follow traditional ideas about what is considered good in order to produce a humorous effect

v.1.to stay somewhere for a short time in a tent or other temporary shelter2.to stay outside a place until you get what you want

adj.1.art or entertainment that is camp depberately does not follow traditional ideas about what is considered good in order to produce a humorous effect2.a man who is camp behaves in a way that does not follow traditional ideas about male behavior, especially in order to attract attention

1.露营 individuals 个人 camped 露营 hit the shops 去商店 ...

2.临时安顿 ... cameramen 摄影师;摄影记者 camped 临时安顿;露营 cancer 癌;弊端,社 …

3.露营地 scouts n. 侦察, 搜索, 侦察员, 侦察机 camped n. 露营地, 阵营 thermos n. 热水瓶 ...

4.阵营 scouts n. 侦察, 搜索, 侦察员, 侦察机 camped n. 露营地, 阵营 thermos n. 热水瓶 ...

5.详细 ... camped 详细 marquee 大帐篷 ...

6.面从驻留,UL 50 Mbit/s LTE 系统延迟:控制面从驻留camped)状态类似于 Idle 到 Active 状态 100ms 以内 从睡眠(dormant)状态 …


1.The point is to keep people moving and not to have them camped out in Tunisia for too long.问题的关键是让他们移动,而不能让他们露宿在突尼斯边境太长时间。

2.There, on the land that was still her family's, they camped under the stars and learned to tell the time by the sun, Cherokee-fashion.在那块仍然属于她的家族的土地上,他们驻扎在星空下,通过切诺基族的方式运用太阳来知道时间。

3.George Washington planned a surprise attack on the enemy forces camped across the Delaware River in Trenton , New Jersey.乔治华盛顿计划突袭的敌军部队驻扎在特拉华河特伦顿,新泽西州。

4.After reading that we drove out to the land and camped out close to the woods to see if we could see anything.读完那些文章,我和女朋友便开车到了那块地方,在树林边露营,想看看我们能不能见到什麽东西。

5.And while he was doing the building work, his wife Jasmine Saville and their two toddler children camped in the nearby countryside.在他做这些建筑工作时,他的妻子詹斯姆·萨维尔和两个小孩就在附近的乡下中的帐篷中住着。

6.She was thrilled when she was allowed to join the hunting party for an overnight stay when the men were camped by a nearby river.男人在河边扎好了帐篷,邀请她参加通宵田猎舞会,她感到非常兴奋。

7.We camped with a view of the sea and went to see humpback and minke whales spouting yards from the boat.我们在能看见海景的地方扎了营,去观赏了座头鲸和小须鲸,它们就在小船几码远的地方喷水。

8.Another major reason for Jaocb's concern was that he thought the brothers might be camped near Shechem.雅各挂心儿子的另一个原因,是因为担心儿子会在示剑附近扎营。

9.He had been camped out in Switzerland for six years, teaching and writing the masterpiece that would later become Human Action.他在瑞士凑合着呆了六年,边教学边写作,该杰作即后来的《人的行为》。

10.Some of the Indians refused to leave their sacred land, and other hunters were camped in remote places and never learned of the order.但是有些印第安人拒绝离开这片圣地,而其他猎人又在远处扎营,根本不知道有这项命令。