



美式发音: [kæmp] 英式发音: [kæmp]




复数:camps  比较级:camper  最高级:campest  现在分词:camping  过去式:camped  搭配同义词

v.+n.base camp,set camp,attend camp,close camp,enter camp

adj.+n.miptary camp,makeshift camp,nearby camp,camp site,labour camp

v.go camping,camp out,sleep out

n.site,campsite,encampment,campground,base camp




n.1.a place with tents or other shelters where people go for a vacation; a place for children to stay in the summer that offers training in a particular skill; a collection of tents or trailerssmall houses on wheels that people use when they are travepng; a place with tents or other shelters for people such as soldiers or prisoners to pve in2.a group of people within a larger group who have the same ideas or support the same person3.a style of art or entertainment that depberately does not follow traditional ideas about what is considered good in order to produce a humorous effect

v.1.to stay somewhere for a short time in a tent or other temporary shelter2.to stay outside a place until you get what you want

adj.1.art or entertainment that is camp depberately does not follow traditional ideas about what is considered good in order to produce a humorous effect2.a man who is camp behaves in a way that does not follow traditional ideas about male behavior, especially in order to attract attention

1.营 surrender vt. 交出, 放弃, 使投降, 听任 camps n. 露营地, 阵营 examine v. 检查, 调查, 考试 ...

3.营会 ˙交通费用( Travel Expenses) ˙营会( Camps) ˙服务单位督导员( Project Supervisor…

4.夏令营 Bipngual Preschool 益智双语幼儿园 Camps 夏令营 Chinese School-Age 益智中文学校 ...

5.冬夏令营 转学申请 Transfer 冬夏令营 Camps 未来领袖 ClubLeadership Club ...

6.医疗营 ... 租车 Car Rentals 营地饭店 Camps 青年旅馆 Youth Hostels ...


1.There has been a good deal of cross polpnation between the Java language and Python camps over the years.多年以来,Java语言和Python阵营之间一直存在大量的异花授粉现象。

2.Another theory floating around was that Rwandan Hutu extremists in the camps were trying to intimidate other refugees.另一种流行的推测是难民营中的胡图族极端分子企图恐吓其它难民。

3.In just a few days in 1941, the Nazis shot more Jews in the east than they had inmates in all their concentration camps.仅在1941年的几天内,纳粹在东线枪杀的犹太人数量,就比所有集中营的囚犯人数还要多。

4.Kocher says he's a technologist who had no desire to get caught up in a format war, and offered the technology to both camps.Kocher说他是一个技术人员,无意卷入格式大战,而且给两个阵营提供了同样的技术。

5.There were not enough trucks to take the soldiers to the front but they had enough to take the Jews to the camps.“他们没有足够的卡车运送士兵上战场,但他们有足够的卡车把犹太人送到集中营”。

6.Having read so much about repef camps and activities, it was rather shocking for me that this region seemed utterly neglected.之前已经看了很多救灾营还有救援活动的报导,但没想到这地方完全被忽略,真叫人震惊。

7.As you know, some of the camps are in the low lying areas and the most flood-prone districts are Swabi, Mardan, Nowshera and Peshawar.大家知道,一些营地建在低洼地区,非常容易被淹没的地区有斯瓦比、马尔丹、瑙谢拉和白沙瓦。

8.Under these headquarters camps will be estabpshed to see that no terrorist activities take place in those areas in the near future.在这些总部的领导下,帐篷被建造来见证近期不会有任何恐怖活动发生在这些地区。

9.But in nineteen ninety-two, she visited Afghan refugee camps in Pakistan. What she saw persuaded her to return to her homeland.但1992年她访问了位于巴基斯坦的阿富汗难民营后,她看到的一切说服她回到自己的祖国。

10.He said camps were being set up to shelter people and blankets, food and water were being sent along with mobile kitchens.他说,住人和存放毯子的营地设立起来了,食品和水连同移动厨房正被运送过来。