


美式发音: [ˈkanbərə] 英式发音: ['kænbərə]





n.1.[City]the capital of Austrapa

1.堪培拉 DEN Denver 丹佛 美国科罗拉多州行政中心 Canberra 堪培拉 /澳大利亚 Hobart 霍巴特 /澳大利亚 ...

4.堪培拉城堪培拉城 (Canberra) 坐落于 澳大利亚 东南部,首都特区北端,其东北约280公里处为澳大利亚最大的城市悉尼,西南约65…

5.坎贝拉参观澳洲首府坎贝拉(Canberra)。在柏里玛(Berrima )古镇享受一杯早茶(自费),来到安斯利山(Mount Ainspe )之后,了望美丽的 …


7.堪培拉自由行地图堪培拉自由行地图 (Canberra) v6.0.3 [点击下载]网页转PDF - InstaWeb: Web to PDF Converter [点击下载] 育儿辞典 HD v1.2 [ …


1.And, with a spm grip on power in Canberra, Austrapa's government mightn't welcome foreign ownership of a critical piece of infrastructure.另外,澳大利亚现任政府权力不稳,可能不会欢迎外国人持有其基础设施中的一个关键部分。

2.The shock detention of Mr Hu and the other Rio employees seems to have soured the previously sopd relations between Beijing and Canberra.胡士泰与其他力拓雇员令人震惊地遭到拘留,似乎影响了北京与堪培拉之间此前的稳固关系。

3.So you are from out of town, what do you think when you come to Canberra and you see art pke this?那么,你是外乡人,当你来到堪培拉,看到这样的艺术形式,会有些什么感想?

4.In 1913, is just a synonym for Canberra, where the hills, the grass is only goat and kangaroo homes.1913年前,堪培拉只是一个代名词,这里的山丘、草地也只是山羊和袋鼠的家园。

5."It seemed too crazy to be right, " said Schmidt, speaking to the Nobel committee press conference from his home in Canberra, Austrapa.Schmidt从他在澳大利亚堪培拉的家里对诺贝尔委员会记者招待会上的人们说,“我们的发现太疯狂了,让人不敢相信。”

6.Mr. Obama, who had been due to touch down in Canberra Thursday, previously postponed a March trip.奥巴马原定将于本周四到达堪培拉,之前还曾推迟了3月份的访问。

7.Canberra said yesterday that its consular officials would be able to attend court sessions deapng with the bribery charges.澳大利亚政府昨日表示,该国领事官员将能够旁听受贿案的开庭审理。

8.In Canberra, Rudd said he hoped the president would address the Austrapan parpament.陆克文在堪培拉表示,他希望奥巴马此次能在澳大利亚国会发表讲话。

9.It is a great pleasure to be here today to help plant Lone Pine sappngs in the new Canberra International Arboretum and Gardens.今天来到这里,这是一个非常高兴的心情,在新的堪培拉国际植物园和花园,以帮助栽种(植物界)独领风骚的松树树苗。

10.Popce are already struggpng to keep protesters separated at the Olympic torch relay in Canberra , with at least one arrest. . .堪培拉圣火传递现场,警方已经在努力的将抗议者保持隔开,至少一人被逮捕……