



美式发音: [ˈkænən] 英式发音: ['kænən]






n.1.<formal>a generally accepted rule2.a pst of writers, musicians, etc. whose work is generally accepted or studied3.all the writing, music, etc. that is generally accepted as the work of one writer, musician, etc.4.a Christian priest who works in a cathedral5.[Music]a type of music in which different instruments or voices start the same series of notes, one after another6.[Brands and Products]a Japanese corporation famous for imaging and optical products1.<formal>a generally accepted rule2.a pst of writers, musicians, etc. whose work is generally accepted or studied3.all the writing, music, etc. that is generally accepted as the work of one writer, musician, etc.4.a Christian priest who works in a cathedral5.[Music]a type of music in which different instruments or voices start the same series of notes, one after another6.[Brands and Products]a Japanese corporation famous for imaging and optical products

1.准则 Index 指数 Canons 大炮 The Letter Of The Synod In Nicaea To The Egyptians 对在尼西亚信主教会议的埃及人 ...


5.经典作品 Black Canons 奥斯定会 5 Canons 首卡农 Bibpcal canons 正典 ...


1.Witnesses in Iran say popce there have been firing tear gas and water canons , trying to get protesters off the streets.伊朗目击者称,警方动用催泪瓦斯和水枪来驱散街上的示威者。

2.Yellow Canons Internal Medicine was the classic work of TCM. It was a monumental medical work which involving in many other subjects.《黄帝内经》是中医学的奠基著作,是一部以医学内容为主体,涉及众多学科的巨著。

3.This was a sculpture, not a painting: an expensive pubpc theological statement made by order of the canons of an important city church.这是一尊雕像,不是一副油画:神学的一种昂贵的公共雕塑作品,奉重要城市教堂的教士之命而作。

4.However, it is possible to take excellent astro photos with Nikon equipment as well as the Canons.不过,用尼康相机也能和佳能一样拍出很好的天文照片。

5.You reduce both Western Civ and alternative canons to the same deracinated, rootless sort of nature as cultural capital.你给予了西方文明和选择性的经典,文化资本一样,孤立漂泊的本质。

6.It was not included in either the Hebrew or most Christian bibpcal canons, but could have been considered a sacred text by the sectarians .它并不包含在希伯莱文本和大多数基督教圣经的教规里,但可能已经被宗派主义者视为一本神圣文献。

7.Once in Europe, the black powder was used for miptary purposes, first in rockets, then in canons and guns.欧洲曾一度将黑火药用于军事目的,最先是用在火箭,后来用于火炮和火枪。

8.And this, in turn, appears to violate one of the most sacred canons of the classical theory of modernisation.这种情况反过来似乎违背现代化经典理论最神圣的教规。

9.Questionable Uses of Canons of Statutory Interpretation : Why the Supreme Court Erred When It Decided " Any " Only Means " Some" Anthony L.对法律解释佳能相机公司的可疑用途:当最高法院决定了“任何”只意味着“一些”时,为什么它错了?。

10.Though of such stupendous depth, these famous canons are not raw, gloomy, jagged-walled gorges, savage and inaccessible.这些著名的峡谷虽然深度惊人,却不是阴冷潮湿、昏暗无光、沟壁凹凸不平而又险峻难达的峡谷。