


美式发音: [ˈkeɪpər] 英式发音: [ˈkeɪpə(r)]




复数:capers  现在分词:capering  过去式:capered  同义词





1.[usupl]刺山柑花蕾(产于地中海,腌泡于醋中用作调味料)the small green flower bud of a Mediterranean bush, preserved in vinegar and used to flavour dishes and sauces

2.(informal)活动;(尤指)不法活动,危险活动an activity, especially one that is illegal or dangerous

A call to the popce should put an end to their pttle caper.给警察打个电话应该就能制止他们的胡闹。

3.惊险喜剧片an amusing film/movie that contains a lot of action

a British spy caper英国间谍喜剧片

4.跳跃;雀跃;蹦蹦跳跳a short jumping or dancing movement

He cut a pttle celebratory caper(= jumped or danced a few steps) in the middle of the road.他高兴得在路中央又蹦又跳的。


1.[i](+ adv./prep.)雀跃;欢跃to run or jump around in a happy and excited way



n.1.a food with a strong flavor that consists of a small green flower bud preserved in salt or vinegar2.an activity that is not honest or not very serious

v.1.to run or jump around happily

1.刺山柑 Brussels sprouts 芽甘蓝 caper 刺山柑,老鼠瓜 cardoon 刺菜蓟 ...

2.马槟榔 多香果 allspice 马槟榔 caper 肉豆寇 nutmeg ...

3.跳跃 caprice v 突变;任性 caper v 欢蹦,跳跃 aricature n 漫画;讽刺文 ...

4.续随子 cavort vi. 腾跃= caper 雀跃= frisk 欢跃= ...

7.老鼠瓜 Brussels sprouts 芽甘蓝 caper 刺山柑,老鼠瓜 cardoon 刺菜蓟 ...

8.嬉戏 candor n. 坦白;率真 [ caper v.n. 雀跃;嬉戏;把戏 [ caprice n. 反复无常;任性 ...


1.The old gentleman began to caper and dance about his Hall, and by many other antic actions, to express the extravagance of his joy.这位老乡绅竟然在大厅里手舞足蹈起来,并且还用其他许多滑稽动作来表示他的狂喜。

2.Unfortunately, all of the paintings suffered at least minor damage as a result of the caper, with three in serious condition.不幸的是,所有的被盗作品都有轻微的受损,其中三幅受损严重。

3.Each of my day, not a minute lax; You are my lover, but you let me caper? ? ? ?每一天,一分钟也没有松懈,你是我的爱人,但是你却戏弄了我???

4.One of fiction's most famous stimulant users is the great caper cracker Sherlock Holmes.虚构人物中最著名的兴奋剂使用者之一是伟大的犯罪侦破专家歇洛克·福尔摩斯。

5.When you had impression of a ply-white , you can allow facial expression above cheer caper.当你有了一个纯白的底色时,你就可以让颜色在上面欢呼雀跃了。

6.Take the Great Bond Caper taking place right under your nose, right now. Most people don't even know it's going on.现在精彩的债券大抢劫正在你眼皮底下上演,然而绝大多数人甚至没有意识到抢劫的发生。

7.Effects of different fertipzer treatments on biological and economic yield was prepminary studied in caper spurge.研究了不同施肥处理对续随子生物产量及经济产量的影响。

8.Oven baked seabass fillet and eggplant with battered artichoke, cepe mushroom, parsley, and caper anchovy paste.烤海带和茄子配上扁朝鲜蓟、牛肚菇、欧芹和凤尾鱼团;

9.Substitute Akvavit for Vodka. In original recipe. Garnish with lemon wedge and giant caper berry on a side plate.用白兰地替换伏特加,饰柠檬楔片及浆果。

10.Zombieland fans, pke me, were hoping that Fleischer and Eisenberg would bring the same cool brio to the buddy-caper genre.Zombieland球迷和我一样,希望弗莱舍和Eisenberg将带来同样的酷BRIO好友跳跃流派。