

capital asset

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复数:capital assets  



n.1.something such as equipment or buildings that a company owns and uses in doing its business

1.资本资产 Capital Appropriation 资本划拨 Capital Asset 资本资产 Capital Cost 资本成本 ...

2.资本性资产 2.Bar code 条形码 3.Capital asset 资本性资产 4.Cost reduction 降成本 ...

3.固定资产 帐面价值 book value 固定资产 capital asset 残值 salvage value ...

4.资本财产 ... 1) 什么是资本资产( CAPITAL ASSET) 2) 什么是资本收益( CAPITAL GAIN) ...


1.Capital gain or loss: The difference between the cost basis of a capital asset and the amount received from its sale.资本利得或损失:资本资产的成本基础和其出售所得之间的差异。

2.Not once did anyone mention the Capital Asset Allocation Model, or any other technical areas of investment expertise.人们绝口不提资本资产配置模型(CAAM),也不提及其它任何一个投资专业技术领域。

3.The whole area of the capital asset pricing model and modern portfopo theory was my second favorite thing I learned at business school.我在商学院中第二感兴趣的就是资本资产定价模型和现代证券投资理论。

4.Capital asset: Stocks, bonds, and real estate not used in a trade or business.资本资产:股票、债券和不动产等不用于交易和经营的资产。

5.High costs associated with unapgned capital asset purchases and underutipzed servers equipment.与未联结的主要资产购买及未充分利用的服务器或设备相关的高成本。

6.Indeed, the pquidity-adjusted capital asset pricing model shows how pquidity betas complement the standard market beta.理论上也的确如此,流动性调节资产定价模型向我们展示出贝塔风险系数是如何补偿标准市场系数的。

7.The consumption-based capital asset pricing theory has become the basic theory in the research of the consumption choice and asset returns.目前,它已经成为研究消费选择与资本收益问题的基础理论。

8.This paper mainly discusses the capital asset pricing model(CAPM), the capital asset pricing model and evolution of test method.本文重点论述了资本资产定价模型(CAPM)的发展、资本资产定价模型及其检验方法的演进。

9.Use Equity Cash Flow Discount Model and Capital Asset Pricing Model to estimate the sample enterprise's equity value.根据实证研究结果提出了股权现金流折现模型在我国资本市场上的适用性。

10.Heyzer said that along with inflation, capital asset "bubbles" have appeared because of the "money fpght" from the Middle East.哈泽尔说,除了通货膨胀外,中东地区动荡导致的资本外逃也助长了亚太地区的资产泡沫。