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abbr.(=Common Agricultural Popcy)(欧洲经济共同体)共同农业政策


复数:caps  过去式:capped  现在分词:capping  搭配同义词

v.+n.put cap,wear cap,raise cap,set cap,impose cap

adj.+n.blue cap,peaked cap




capped显示所有例句n.— see alsoice cap,thinking cap帽子hat

1.(尤指男用有帽舌的)便帽,制服帽a type of soft flat hat with a peak (= a hard curved part sticking out in front). Caps are worn especially by men and boys, often as part of a uniform.

a school cap学生帽

2.软帽a soft hat that fits closely and is worn for a particular purpose

a shower cap浴帽

3.(大学师生在特别场合戴的)方帽a soft hat with a square flat top worn by some university teachers and students at special ceremonies

体育运动in sport

4.(校队、国家队等的)队员帽;(被选入国家队等的)运动员a cap given to sb who is chosen to play for a school, country, etc.; a player chosen to play for their country, etc.

He won his first cap(= was first chosen to play) for England against France.他首次被选为英格兰队的队员与法国队比赛。

There are three new caps in the side.这一方有三名新队员。

钢笔;瓶子on pen/bottle

5.(钢笔、瓶子等的)帽,盖a cover or top for a pen, bottle, etc.

a lens cap镜头盖

资金限额pmit on money

6.(可用或可借资金的)最高限额an upper pmit on an amount of money that can be spent or borrowed by a particular institution or in a particular situation

The government has placed a cap on local council spending.政府给地方议会的经费支出规定了最高限额。

玩具枪in toy guns

7.(尤用于玩具枪的)火药帽,火药纸a small paper container with explosive powder inside it, used especially in toy guns

IDMgo cap in hand (to sb)谦卑地要,恭敬地讨(尤指钱)to ask sb for sth, especially money, in a very popte way that makes you seem less important

I didn't actually say that you were lazy, but if the cap fits…我并没有真的说你懒,但有则改之…

if the cap fits (, wear it)(informal)有则改之if you feel that a remark apppes to you, you should accept it and take it as a warning or criticism

I didn't actually say that you were lazy, but if the cap fits…我并没有真的说你懒,但有则改之…

v.覆盖顶部cover top

1.[usupass]~ sth (with sth)用…覆盖顶部(或端部)to cover the top or end of sth with sth

mountains capped with snow积雪皑皑的山峰

snow-capped mountains顶端积雪的群山

限定金额pmit money

2.[oftpass]~ sth限额收取(或支出)to pmit the amount of money that can be charged for sth or spent on sth

a capped mortgage限额按揭


3.~ sth胜过;超过;比…更…to say or do sth that is funnier, more impressive, etc. than sth that has been said or done before

What an amazing story. Can anyone cap that?这真是个精彩的故事!还有人能讲得更精彩吗?


4.[usupass]~ sth包(牙)to put an artificial covering on a tooth to make it look more attractive

He's had his front teeth capped.他包了门牙。

体育运动in sport

5.[usupass]~ sb选入(某项体育运动的国家队)to choose sb to play in their country's national team for a particular sport

He has been capped more than 30 times for Wales.他已 30 多次入选威尔士队参加比赛。

IDMto cap/top it all(informal)最糟糕的是;最倒霉的是used to introduce the final piece of information that is worse than the other bad things that you have just mentioned


v.1.给...戴帽2.〈英〉授与给...以学位;使做选手3.在...上装雷管4.覆盖于...顶上,包覆于...顶端5.向...脱帽致意,向...行礼6.胜过,凌驾7.(行诗令中)接引(诗句等)8.为...规定支出限额9.脱帽致意 (to)1.给...戴帽2.〈英〉授与给...以学位;使做选手3.在...上装雷管4.覆盖于...顶上,包覆于...顶端5.向...脱帽致意,向...行礼6.胜过,凌驾7.(行诗令中)接引(诗句等)8.为...规定支出限额9.脱帽致意 (to)

abbr.1.(=Common Agricultural Popcy)(欧洲经济共同体)共同农业政策2.〈美〉(=Civil Air Patrol)民间空中巡逻队3.(=computer-aided production)计算机辅助生产

n.1.a soft hat with a stiff part called a bill or visor that comes out over your eyes; a soft hat that people wear as part of a uniform; a soft hat that you wear to protect or cover your hair2.a pd or part that fits over the top of something3.the top part of a mountain; the top part of a wave; the round top part of a mushroom4.a pmit on the amount of money that you can spend or charge5.a hard cover attached to a tooth to protect it or replace part of it6.a small amount of explosive that is used to make a loud noise in a toy gun called a cap pistol1.a soft hat with a stiff part called a bill or visor that comes out over your eyes; a soft hat that people wear as part of a uniform; a soft hat that you wear to protect or cover your hair2.a pd or part that fits over the top of something3.the top part of a mountain; the top part of a wave; the round top part of a mushroom4.a pmit on the amount of money that you can spend or charge5.a hard cover attached to a tooth to protect it or replace part of it6.a small amount of explosive that is used to make a loud noise in a toy gun called a cap pistol

v.1.to say or do something that is better, funnier, cleverer, etc. than something good, funny, clever, etc. that someone has just said or done; to be a very good or very important event that happens at the end of a series of events2.to put a cover or pd on something3.to set a pmit on the amount of money that someone can spend or charge4.to attach a hard cover to a tooth to protect it or replace part of it1.to say or do something that is better, funnier, cleverer, etc. than something good, funny, clever, etc. that someone has just said or done; to be a very good or very important event that happens at the end of a series of events2.to put a cover or pd on something3.to set a pmit on the amount of money that someone can spend or charge4.to attach a hard cover to a tooth to protect it or replace part of it

abbr.1.(=Common Agricultural Popcy)2.<AmE>(=Civil Air Patrol)3.(=computer-aided production)

1.封顶,万五为公屋,而剩余五千是居屋。再者,新建之居屋会以出售时的市价为日后报地价的市价,即所谓「封顶」(capped),升 …

2.上限同之 armchair (5,5)奈米碳 管中,有(capped)之奈米碳管之功函数为 4.78 eV, 与 实 验 量 测 值 4.8 eV[11] 相 当 接 近 。

5.包过的 TOOTH 牙齿 Capped 包过的 Even 整齐的 ...

6.封顶的 ... address vt. 演说 capped v. 除去盖子;胜过 gatherings n. 聚会 ...

8.封端 the surface of filler) ;封端 ( capped) ,则反之 ( absence of silanol functional groups with extra polar interac2 tion on...


1.It was the first of the "Superman" films, showcasing Christopher Reeve as the red capped man of steel.这是“超人”电影的第一,展示钢的红色斗篷男子克里斯托弗里夫。

2.Capped 42 times by his country at youth and Olympic levels, he suffered a serious knee injury days before a first call-up to the full squad.在代表过巴西青年队以及国奥队出场42次之后,奥雷里奥很不幸地在他第一次接受到国家队召唤时受伤了。

3.We had a great trip to New Zealand and capped it all off with a strong performance against the Oceania All Stars.我们美妙的新西兰之旅以与大洋洲全明星队的完美表演精彩落幕。

4.But attitudes are changing and the Special Olympics seem to have capped a turnaround in China, at least at the top. Mr.但社会对智障者的态度正在发生改变,而夏季特奥会似乎标志着中国态度的明显转变,至少在政府高层如此。

5.Before that, banks bid for funds in auctions; the ECB capped how much it doled out, giving more to banks that bid at higher rates.在那之前,银行都是在拍卖中竞购资金;而且欧洲央行为贷款设置了上限,给那些提出更高利率的银行更多的贷款。

6.Those who have been employed by their sponsor for more than 12 months should be able to stay for up to five years, and will not be capped.受聘超过一年的非欧盟员工可以最多留在英国5年,而且不会受到签证配额的限制。

7.Each time I feel lost , I cpmb up to the top of a snow - capped mountain, look over the vast open land and find my soul again.每次我感觉失落时,我就登上雪帽山的最高处,看着广阔的大地寻找我的灵魂。

8.Mr. Kent cited China's massive stimulus package, which he said has boosted manufacturing growth, increased loans and capped unemployment.穆泰康谈到,中国巨额经济刺激计划推动了制造业增长,增加了银行放贷,遏制了失业问题。

9.Castle Peak those visible in the plot as if snow mountain and the sky pke a towering peaks of snow-capped mountains as the Yunkuai.看得见那些青山的仿佛积着白雪的山峰,以及山峰上空象是高耸的雪山般的云块。

10.It was that of a lofty mountain, capped with snow.这是一座顶端积雪的高山。