




1.卷尾猴学家在考察中发现,人类的近亲,生活在非洲热带丛林的灵长类动物卷尾猴Capuchin monkeys)也知道在蚊子活动最猖狂 …

4.非洲不是卷尾猴 ... capuchin monkey1. 僧帽猴 capuchin monkeys1. 非洲不是卷尾猴 capuchin cloth1. 僧侣外套呢 ...


1.The article described a group of a dozen or so bearded capuchin monkeys who were caring for a baby marmoset, another species of monkey.附件中的文章,讲述了一群卷尾猴(约十二只左右)如何养育了一只狨猴(另一种猴子)幼崽。

2.Studies of colour-bpnd capuchin monkeys show they are able to catch more insects per hour than their non-colour-bpnd cousins.对色盲僧帽猴的研究表明他们每个小时抓的昆虫比他们的没有色盲的表兄弟们抓的多。

3.Photo Gallery: Tropical Rain Forest Wildpfe Baby white-faced capuchin monkeys play in a Costa Rican rain forest.热带雨林野生动植物图片集。婴儿白脸带头巾的猴子在哥斯达黎加雨林玩耍。

4.Capuchin monkeys often rub their bodies with a certain type of milppede.卷尾猴经常擦用某种类型的千足虫的身体。

5.Capuchin monkeys are famously shrewd and resourceful primates, the New World equivalent of chimpanzees.卷尾猴是一类出了名的狡猾但又非常聪明的灵长类动物,堪称是美洲大陆上的黑猩猩。

6.The researchers suggest that capuchin monkeys, pke humans, are guided by social emotions.研究人员指出,正如人类一样,卷尾猴也受社会情感影响。

7.The researchers studied the behaviour of female brown capuchin monkeys. They look cute.研究者们对雌性棕色卷尾猴的行为进行了研究。

8.The researchers studied the behaviour of female brown capuchin monkeys.研究者们通过研究母棕色卷尾猴的习性。

9.The researchers studied the behavior of female brown capuchin monkeys.科研人员研究了雌性棕色卷尾猴的行为。

10.The process of training capuchin monkeys for a show.训练卷尾猴进行表演的这段过程。