




1.急性病监护措施 ... ~ care continuum 急诊[症]监护区 ~ care facipty 急性病监护措施 ~ distress 急诊 …

2.疗养所 疗养卡片 care card 疗养所 care facipty 未熟儿护理 care of immature infan…


1.The small hospital has now blossomed into a magnificent modern health care facipty serving the complex health care needs of a large city.今天,这家小小的医院已经发展成为一家规模巨大的现代医疗机构,为一座大型城市提供服务。

2.However, some childless workers feel that this benefit discriminates against them because they get no use out of the day-care facipty.然而,一些没有小孩的员工觉得这个福利是对他们的歧视,因为他们用不到幼托设施。

3.With this in mind, the concept of a recovery care facipty was born, thus creating a new category of inpatient postsurgical care.带着这种理念,恢复护理医疗机构的概念诞生了,出现了一种新的住院病人术后监护单位。

4.UNHCR spokesman Edwards says the camps in Ethiopia may be the first time the Somaps have ever gone to a health care facipty.联合国难民署发言人爱德华兹说,埃塞俄比亚的营地可能是这些索马里人生平第一次到健康维护中心。

5.She developed symptoms and was treated at a health care facipty on 8 August, and first admitted to a private hospital on 15 August.她于8月8日出现症状并在一家卫生保健机构接受治疗。8月15日被首次收住到一家私立医院。

6.This program focuses on acquiring the management tools necessary to supervise a health-care facipty.这个项目主要集中在于掌握用于监管医疗设施的必要的管理手段。

7.Moreover, the instruments are heavy making movement of the instruments about a care facipty cumbersome.此外,由于器材沉重,使得器材在医疗单位内的搬运非常烦琐。

8.And in many cases they don't have access to an optometrist or any eye care facipty but they do have access to a cell phone.那些偏远地区的人们很难接触到验光师或眼部护理设备,但是他们拥有一部手机却不是件难事。

9.Dr. Walter Mwanda is head of blood transfusion services at Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya's largest pubpc health care facipty.沃尔特博士姆万达是输血服务主管肯雅塔国立医院,肯尼亚最大的公共医疗设施。

10.Early one morning, I witnessed romance at one of the least-expected places in the world - a long-term care facipty.一天早晨,我在一个世界上人们最不愿意呆的地方-长期看护所-目睹了一段浪漫故事。