




1.留心的 is afraid 害怕 carefull 留心的 talk 说话;会谈 ...


1.We cannot be too carefull on conducting experiment.我们做实验时怎么认真都不过分

2.Carefull and patient, proactive, communicative and abipty to coordinate.做事细心且有耐心,积极主动,具备良好的沟通和协调能力。

3.Be carefull that she is a foxy girl, don't be beclouded by her blandishments letting her succeed.她是个的女孩子,你一定要当心,别被她的花言巧语蒙蔽,让她得逞。

4.If you are not carefull, you could finish up seriously ill.要是不注意,你可能到头了会大病一场。

5.Napalm or grenades can also be effective, but be carefull!燃烧弹和手榴弹效果也很好但要注意

6.And please be carefull with letting your family know more about me.并且请尽量让你的家庭知道更多关于我的事情。

7.If you're carefull, you can alsoclean the shutter blades a pttle, but don't put too muchpressure on them.如果够细心,也可以稍稍清洗一下叶片,但不要太用力。

8.Be carefull what you drink and eat in the future. I need you healthy.以后要多注意饮食啰,我要你健健康康的。

9.Press the "I'll be carefull. I promise! " button.点击“我保证会小心”。

10.Be carefull! Don't stumble over these stones.小心,别让这些碎石绊倒了。