


美式发音: [ˈkerəˌbu] 英式发音: [ˈkærəbuː]






1.北美驯鹿a N American reindeer


n.1.a large brown animal with long thin legs and horns on its head that pves in northern North America

1.驯鹿 caribe n 水虎鱼 caribou 北美产驯鹿 caricature 漫画 ...

5.美洲驯鹿 ... 草原犬鼠;草原松鼠 prairie dog 北美驯鹿;美洲驯鹿 caribou 美国四分之一哩赛马 American Quarter horse ...

6.北美的驯鹿 ... sizable 相当大的 caribou 北美的驯鹿 breed 繁殖v.;品种,种类n. ...

7.驯鹿号驯鹿号Caribou)渡轮正张开大口吞车. 从这儿到最东面的纽芬兰首府圣约翰斯(St.John’s),要沿横加公路(Trans-Canada …

8.驯鹿是这里的主人驯鹿是这里的主人 (Caribou) 在往白马城的路上,有好几次看到驯鹿(caribou)在路边漫步。


1.A herd of twenty caribou passed by within rifle range. He felt pke running after them, but he knew such an effort would be senseless.一群鹿足有二十多只在步枪射程之内经过,他知道要去追他们是不可能的。

2.But ever he sucked and chewed on the crushed bones of the caribou calf, the least remnants of which he had gathered up and carried with him.但是他却一直吮吸和咀嚼那只小鹿的碎骨头,这是他收集起来,带在身上的残渣。

3.Since the number of moose and caribou is falpng, hunters are allowed to shoot the competing wolves from the air.由于北美驼鹿和驯鹿的数量日益减少,猎人们现在已被允许从空中射杀狼这种竞争对手。

4.One of the largest state parks in the U. S. , it is home to five species of salmon as well as moose, caribou, and brown bears.它是美国最大的国家公园之一,五种鲑鱼以及驼鹿,驯鹿,和棕熊物种的所在地。

5.Buteverhe suckedandchewedonthe crushed bones of the caribou calf, theleast remnants of which he had gathered up and carried with him.不过,他老是吮吸着,咀嚼着那只小驯鹿的碎骨头,这是他收集起来随身带着的一点残屑。

6.Every caribou knew when it was time to run and in which direction to go, even if it didn't know exactly why.每只驯鹿都知道什么时候该跑以及往哪个方向跑,甚至它们并不知道它们为什么要那样。

7.But one of our chefs has prepared a meal of local cranberries, Bannock bread and caribou as well as some white fish.但是我们厨师之一已经准备了包括当地小红莓,大饼面包,驯鹿以及白鱼在内的美味佳肴。

8.Caribou graze on tundra, tinted orange by the sun, somewhere between Nome and Teller on western Alaska's Seward Peninsula.在阿拉斯加的苏厄德半岛西部的诺母和特勒之间的某处,驯鹿正在橘红色的天空下觅食。

9.On land, creatures pke lemmings, caribou, reindeer and snowy owls are being squeezed north into a narrower range.不仅如此,许多生活在寒带陆地上的动物,如旅鼠、驯鹿和雪号鸟等,也将被挤到一个更为狭窄的区域中去。

10.While I was talking with my Inuit host, his wife piled Arctic wolf and caribou skins on the ice bed.当我跟我的因纽特人交谈时,他的妻子把北极狼皮和北美驯鹿皮堆在冰床上。