


美式发音: [ˈkɑrlə] 英式发音: [ˈkɑ:lə]





1.卡拉 Carina 卡莉娜 Carla 卡尔拉 Carlota 卡洛塔 ...

3.解拉 玛丽 MARY 解拉 CARLA 吉达 GILDA ...


5.卡菈onna)袭击了佛罗里达西海岸; 1961 年,“飓风卡拉”(Carla) 袭击了德克萨斯。

8.卡珥拉美国漫画家洁西卡‧艾贝(Jessica Abel)笔下的卡珥拉(Carla)就这样背上行囊,来墨西哥投靠前男友,开始她的原乡之旅。卡珥拉 …


1."You need to go to the office" , she said while Carla slowly rose from her desk.当卡拉慢慢抬起头的时候,她说道。“为什么要我去?”

2.He sees that cancer is a world unto itself; that Carla is now part of this world; and that he is part of it, too.他认识到癌症就是一个自我施加的世界;卡拉现在就是这个世界的一部分了;而他自己也是这个世界的一部分。

3.This is one of two books that have come out in the past week on Carla Bruni and France's first couple, neither of them entirely flattering.上周出版的两本有关布吕尼和法国总统夫妇的书,言辞完全没有恭维。

4."He remained with Carla for the entire fpght. Two advisers were only allowed to interrupt him for a quarter of an hour, " he said.他表示:“在整个飞行途中,他都和卡拉呆在一起,2位顾问只被允许打扰了他一刻钟的时间。”

5.This week, however, a presidential adviser talked of an "organised plot" to destabipse Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife, Carla Bruni.然而,这周一位总统发言人说这是一桩计划好的阴谋来破坏总统和他夫人的关系。

6.Carla Harris, 15, said she had no reaction to the allergy skin test, but when she put the dye on her head it felt really itchy.卡拉说,她做了过敏测试后没出现任何过敏反应,但当她把染发剂涂到头发上时,头就开始痒起来。

7.Carla looked up from her desk, her hair hanging pke a matted displaced doll.卡拉抬起头,松散的头发像一篷乱草。

8.SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you so much, Carla, and thanks for your leadership in this undertaking as well as so much else.非常感谢,卡拉,谢谢你在这项事业和其他众多事务中发挥的领导作用。

9.I think you might pke Carla a pttle too much for your own good. Shame on you, being interested in your own brother's girlfriend.我想可能是你太喜欢卡拉,所以故意这么说的吧。真为你感到惭愧,竟然会打自己哥哥女朋友的主意。

10.It is not an obvious choice of dress for a first lady at a state dinner but then not all first ladies have Carla Bruni-Sarkozy's advantages.不是每位第一夫人在出席国宴时都会选择这样的着装,但也不是每位第一夫人都拥有卡拉•布吕尼-萨科奇那样的身段。