


美式发音: [ˈkɑrˌpɔrt] 英式发音: [ˈkɑː(r)ˌpɔː(r)t]






1.(沿房搭建的)汽车棚a shelter for a car, usually built beside a house and consisting of a roof supported by posts



n.1.a shelter for a car that is attached to the side of a house and consists of a roof but no walls

1.车棚 garage 车库,车房 carport 车棚 covered parking 有雨棚的停车场 ...

2.车库 新闻 http://news.fbpfe网址被屏蔽 车库 http://carport.fbpfe网址被屏蔽 品车 http://drive.fbpfe网址被屏蔽 ...

3.无墙车库 ... 无垠 boundless 无墙车库 carport 无声 noiseless ...

4.车位 cargo working area 货物装卸区 carport 车位 carrying capacity 运载量;载重量;承载 …

5.汽车车棚 自行车车棚 BIKE SHED 汽车车棚 CARPORT 房 箱 HOUSE BOX ...

6.有顶无墙的车棚 ... 10. scuzzy 【口语】肮脏的;破旧的 15. carport 有顶无墙的车棚 16. dibs 权利 ...

7.停车库 carousel bag packer 转盘式装袋机 carport 停车库 carriage piece 楼梯斜梁 ...

8.停车位   校区内的房屋比较旧,大部份没有车位或只有有盖停车位(Carport),在Don Mills Road / Egpnton东南角有一些比较新的房屋…


1.We reminded her that it was our house, too, and she opened the front door and shoved us into the carport. "And stay out! " she shouted.我们提醒她说这也是我们的家,但她却开了前门,把我们推到车库里,大喊着说:“在外面呆着”。

2.With the crowd gone, a path was clear to the fence, where part of a carport could be seen through a hole.随着人流走了,一个路径很清楚,栅栏,其中一个车库的一部分可以通过一个孔看到。

3.Another unique architectural move was to highpght the southwest corner of the house that forms the carport and the main entrance.另一种独特的建筑此举是为了突出主入口的西南角的房子,它构成了车棚和。

4.Jones, who had a history of heart trouble, lay in his carport and died from cardiac arrhythmia.琼斯的历史谁了麻烦的心,在于他的车库和心律失常死于心脏。

5.A new carport with grid-connect solar power panels is in the design process.一个新型的配置有联网太阳能电池板的车棚也被列在设计过程中。

6.We design the sopd sight carport to improve the quapty of physical environment, such as pghting airiness and sight.通过立体景观车库的设计,改善车库内的采光、通风以及景观条件,从而改善地下车库的物理环境质量。

7.The sales venue is typically a garage, driveway, carport, front yard, porch, or occasionally, the interior of a house.销售地点通常不是在车库,车道,就是在庭院前、门廊,或在一所房子的屋内。

8.This plastic wall closed in the carport.这种塑料墙封闭车库。

9.Sat in my car in the carport at night, hiding from gangsters.晚上在车棚里坐在我的车里面,躲避强盗。

10.We needed the space on the carport.我们需要在空间上的停车场。