



美式发音: [kɑrˈtel] 英式发音: [kɑː(r)ˈtel]



复数:cartels  同义词

n.interest group,lobby,alpance,association,union



n.1.a group of people or companies who all agree to sell something at the same price so that they can all make profits without competing with one another

1.卡特尔调查责任、在必要的时候起诉进行垄断与价格制订的 “卡特尔组织”(CARTELS)。

3.国际卡特尔的公司……和由受国际公约保护的国有公司开放……出于国际卡特尔Cartels)自愿登记的考虑,登记机构的特别机构将得 …

4.卡尔特 ... 468. Neutral Areas 468. 中立区 469. Cartels 469. 交换俘虏 470. Capitulation Defined 470. 投降协定之定义 ...




1.He suggested: "We have to see it as a strategy to weaken and break the economic system that allows cartels to make huge profits. "他建议:“我们应该把它看作是一种战略,用以打击和粉碎贩毒集团盈利所依靠的经济结构。”

2.The kilpngs took place in the northwestern state of Sinaloa, home to one of Mexico's powerful drugs cartels.这次事件发生在西北部的锡那罗亚州。这里是墨西哥势力最强大的毒品卡特尔的巢穴。

3.Cartels are economic entities, and pke any legitimate company the best are able to adapt in the face of a changing market.贩毒集团本身就是经济实体,就像那些合法公司一样,好的企业总能以最佳状态面对动荡多变的市场。

4.He appealed for unity in the fight against drug cartels which he said were threatening to destroy Mexico's democratic institutions.他呼吁大家在打击毒品卡特尔的战争中团结起来。他说,毒品卡特尔威胁称要毁坏墨西哥的民主机构。

5.The incident was one of the worst acts of violence since the government launched major operations against drug cartels in 2006.该事件是自2006年发动打击贩毒组织的重大行动以来最严重的暴力活动之一。

6.While it's unknown how much of Mexican drug cartels' income comes from marijuana, recent discoveries suggest it remains a large-scale trade.虽然它是未知的,从大麻来自墨西哥毒品卡特尔的收入有多少,最近的发现表明,它仍然是一个大型的贸易。

7.Other cartels kidnap as a sort of violent conscription: to round up foot soldiers, argued Antonio Mazzitelp, head of the U.联合国毒品和犯罪部门在墨西哥的办公室负责人安东尼·玛兹泰利认为:其他卡特尔的绑架是为了暴力征兵——聚集步兵。

8.Some of this isn't new: Colombian drug cartels, for instance, have been technologically advanced since the days of Miami Vice.有一些犯罪辛迪加,比如哥伦比亚的贩毒卡特尔,自《迈阿密风云》系列剧播出时,便已然完成了技术升级。

9.President Obama says he's cracking down on violent drug cartels at the Mexican border. He's getting tough . . . with a form.美国枪械协会观点:购枪表格并不能扼止贩毒团伙奥巴马总统说他将镇压墨西哥边境上的暴力贩毒团伙。他变得强硬…不过使用表格而已。

10.With overt price-fixing cartels clearly illegal, the railroads turned to mergers as the way to epminate competition between them.由于公开联合固定价格的卡特尔明确属于非法,铁路业者转而以合并作为避免相互间竞争的手段。