



美式发音: [kɑrv] 英式发音: [kɑː(r)v]




第三人称单数:carves  现在分词:carving  过去式:carved  搭配同义词

v.+n.wood carve



v.1.雕刻,刻;〈比喻〉开拓 (out)2.切割,切开(盘中的肉)3.做雕刻工4.切开熟肉1.雕刻,刻;〈比喻〉开拓 (out)2.切割,切开(盘中的肉)3.做雕刻工4.切开熟肉


v.1.to make an object by cutting it from stone or wood; to produce a pattern or writing on the surface of something by cutting it2.to cut a large piece of cooked meat into thin pieces before serving it3.if wind, a river, etc. carves something in the land, its action forms it over a period of many years

1.有雕刻的 prism n. [物]棱镜, [数]棱柱 carved adj. 有雕刻的 apportion v. 分配 ...

2.切好的 burnt 烧焦了的 carved 切好的 ground 磨碎的 ...

3.精雕细琢 mere 仅仅的、纯粹的 carved 雕刻了的 dagger 短剑、匕首 ...


1.As I was building this space I thought to myself, "Surely I'm not the only guy to have to have carved out a space for his own. "当我建造这个空间时,心里想,「我肯定不是世上唯一一个得建造一个属于自己空间的男人。」

2.The scorching-hot lava also carved teardrop-shaped islands into the surface, which are visible near the edges of these plains.很明显的是在这些平原的边缘附近,灼热的岩浆会在地表“雕刻”出泪珠状岛屿。

3.Also be careful not to let heavy impact on its surface, carved with a sharp object or surface.另外要注意不要让重物冲击其表面,或用尖锐物品刻划表面。

4.They had laboured for three years to produce this floating work of art; she was more richly carved and ornamented than any previous ship.瑞典人辛辛苦苦干了3年才建成这件水上艺术品,它比以往任何船只雕刻得都更加精美,装饰得都更加华丽。

5.Carved above their door is, "Free to All. " It's kind of an inspiring statement, and I'll go back at the end of this.图书馆的大门上刻着”一切都是免费的“这种说法让人深受启发,我们会在演讲即将结束时再次回顾这句话。

6.By the mid-carved caves, an ornate , said the world shows that the complex and ever-changing, magnificent style of the Northern Wei period.中期石窟则以精雕细琢,装饰华丽著称于世,显示出复杂多变、富丽堂皇的北魏时期艺术风格。

7.Always looking to challenge himself as an artist, Cartoon has carved himself a place in corporate logo design and branding.作为艺术家他不断挑战自我,开创了自己的商标和品牌。

8.An umbrella with the handle carved into the shape of a goose's head leaned against the wall inside the door.一把柄像鹅脖子一样弯的伞靠在门后的墙上。

9.I brought the boat back to the farm for the others to see and carved "1930" and "1964" on its side.我把小船带回农场,让大家都看看。我又在船身刻上了“1930”和“1964”。

10.Almost as an afterthought, he carved a staff of Dreadwood and summoned into it a captive spirit from the Outer Hells.后来他用恐惧之木雕刻了一根法杖,并在其中注入了一个他从异界之狱俘获的灵魂。