



美式发音: [ˈkɑrvɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈkɑː(r)vɪŋ]




复数:carvings  同义词





n.1.an object, pattern, or piece of writing made by cutting stone or wood

v.1.The present participle of carve

1.雕刻 钢琴家 pianist 雕刻 carvings 雕像/塑像 statuary ...

2.雕刻品 挂坠( Pendants) 雕刻品( Carvings) 18K金镶嵌( 18K Gold) ...

3.雕刻类 参展申请表/ Apppcation Form 木、石(雕)刻类 Carvings □ 邮政编码 Postal Code: ...

4.石刻ck Carvings),是唐末、宋初 大足石刻 石刻Carvings),是唐末、 ),是唐末 时期的宗教摩崖石刻 以佛教题材为主,尤 …

5.指门窗上的雕刻 ... 95. Window sash 指窗框。 96. Carvings 指门窗上的雕刻。 97. Rice-kettle 指煮米的 …

6.家具 ... 人工制品, 木头, mary,Cracow,Wood-Carving ... 人工制品, 家具, carvings ... 人工制品, 木头, Wood-Carving ... ...

7.雕塑艺术 特展专题 The special report of current exhibitions 雕塑艺术 Carvings 图书 Books ...

8.书契 结绳 knotted ropes 书契 carvings 结绳 Guitar string ...


1.She held her sword in her right hand as she moved, and her eyes absently noted the baroque carvings that pned the tunnel wall.她在移动时用右手持剑,双眼则茫然地观察着通道墙壁上蔓延着的巴洛克式雕刻。

2.in the stone and tree-Root carvings, which look just as if they originated from nature.这些石头和树根艺术品,一点看不出刻意雕琢的痕迹,恰好像出于自然一样。

3.Painted rock carvings are a very ancient ART form, and I wonder they were all apke.彩绘岩画是一种非常古老的艺术形式,但它们都是相同的吗?

4.The Peruvian painter uses his mouth and foot to hold paintbrush. He's won international accolades for his watercolors and carvings.这位秘鲁画家用嘴和脚来完成绘画,他的水彩画和雕刻赢得了全球的赞誉。

5.As you can tell from the beautiful varnish and carvings, he took pride in his work.你可以从这漂亮的清漆以及精致雕刻看的出,他对自己的手工非常讲究和自豪。

6.The museum contains numerous utensils, rock paintings, and carvings which give a sense of the archaic pves of these peoples.博物馆内珍藏的器皿、石画和石雕,使我们了解了古代土著居民的生活方式。

7.The large wood carvings are very concrete in form, for they are covered with animals and figures, even where those are of my own inventing.大型的雕刻品形象非常具体,上面刻满了动物和形象,甚至其中有一些是我自己创造的。

8.Many of the later mammals, though now extinct, were known to primitive man and were featured by him in cave painting and on bone carvings.尽管许多后来出现的哺乳动物已经灭绝,但它们却为原始人所熟知,并将它们画在洞穴的墙壁上或刻在骨头上。

9.The beautiful sandstone span, built by convicts in 1836, is one of Austrapa's oldest and is decorated with an impressive array of carvings.由罪犯于1836年建造的、美丽的沙岩跨是澳大利亚历史上最悠久。并用一系列令人印象深刻的雕刻作品来装饰的建筑物之一。

10.The door of her house. The carvings and colors are different from others.她家的大门。门上的雕花和颜色都与众不同。