




1.瀑布效应业持续裁员、调降资本支出,势必会对经济造成更深远的瀑布效应cascading effect)」。

2.层叠效应 on the hook 陷入圈套 cascading effect 连带效应 pay package 综合工资 ...


1.A simple change in the "accounting" metrics rather than a change in real economics created a cascading effect of much larger proportions.造成了这次大规模的瀑布效应的,只不过是一次简单的“会计”准则的改变,而不是一次实体经济的改变。

2.Each minor addition, each change, each interdependency, and each preference has a cascading effect.每个较小的增加部分,每个改变,每个内部依赖,和每个选项都有串联的效果。

3.Sometimes when you change a page name or move a page to another location you create a cascading effect of broken pnks.当你想要改变页面的名称或者将页面移动到另一个地方,就可能损坏链接。

4.Furthermore, dropping all the data in one table can have a cascading effect and can cause other referential integrity violations.此外,删除某个表中的所有数据可能会产生级联影响,并可能会导致其他引用完整性被破坏。

5.Economists worry that price reductions can have a cascading effect that grinds the economy to a halt.经济学家们担心,物价下降会产生连锁反应,从而导致经济增长停顿。

6.With templates, however, there is no cascading effect.但是,使用模板时不存在层叠效果。

7.The failure of one large bank can bring down another in a cascading effect that can create chaos in the financial sector.一家大银行的倒闭会拖垮另一家银行,如同阶式渗透一般在整个金融领域造成混乱。