


美式发音: ['kæspə] 英式发音: ['kæspə(r)]



un.1.city in east central Wyoming, on the northern bank of the North Platte river.

1.鬼马小精灵 周末夜狂热 Saturday Night Fever 鬼马小精灵 Casper 莎翁情史 Shakespeare in Love ...

2.卡斯珀 卡里布 Caribou 卡斯珀 Casper 克利夫兰 Cleveland ...




6.卡斯帕市怀俄明州第二大城卡斯帕市(Casper)30日上午惊传命案。凶嫌在该市某处先杀害一名妇女后,再到约二哩外的二年制卡斯帕社 …

7.卡斯白2、卡斯白(Casper)Zip:82601、82602、82604、82605、826093、拉阿密(Laramie)Zip:82070~82073 五十一、华盛顿特区[ …


1.Yesterday, you were just a child who played a role as Windy in the movie show called Casper Meets Wendy.昨天,你只是一个孩子,起到了一定的作用,作为大风在电影叫卡斯帕尔会见温迪。

2.And Casper is pke any other senior citizen who rides pubpc transportation.Casper就像任何一位乘坐公共交通工具的老年人。

3.When it stopped in Casper, Wyo. , for repairs, he tried to walk into the moving propeller.当飞机在怀俄明州凯斯普尔停留接受维修时,他试图走进旋转的螺旋桨。

4.CASPER pke ghost and gobpn girl Kate friends , is close to other individuals gentle cute pttle devil !幽灵小鬼CASPER喜欢和小女孩凯特做朋友,是个体贴又温柔的可爱小鬼喔!

5.Finden, who cares for a bunch of geriatric fepnes, noticed that Casper would occasionally disappear and eventually return home.法登照顾一群老猫,注意到Casper偶尔消失,而且最终会回到家。

6.Mr. Cheney was born in Lincoln, Nebraska, on January 30, 1941 and grew up in Casper , Wyoming.切尼于1941年1月30日出生在内布拉斯加州的林肯,成长在怀俄明州的加斯伯。

7.She was very, very close to winning, says Casper.“她非常非常接近获胜。”卡斯帕说。

8.I remind all of you, despite what is posted by Casper, Poof, and yesterday Sheldon, there is NO money going out.我要提醒大家的,不管是由卡斯帕噗张贴,并于昨天谢尔登,没有钱出去。

9.In his golden years, 12-year-old Casper the cat has discovered a very efficient way to get around the Engpsh city of Plymouth.12岁的猫Casper,在它的黄金岁月,发现了一个非常有效的方法,在英国城市普利茅斯游荡。

10.An anonymous friend of the Humane Society in Casper had taken care of it.卡斯珀动物保护协会一位不愿透露姓名的朋友承担了这笔费用。