


美式发音: [kəˈsɑvə] 英式发音: [kəˈsɑːvə]





1.木薯(热带植物,多枝长根,可食用)a tropical plant with many branches and long roots that you can eat

2.木薯块根(可制成木薯粉)the roots of this plant, which can be boiled, fried, roasted or made into flour

n.1.【植】木薯属 (Manihot) 植物2.木薯属植物的根[淀粉]

n.1.a tropical plant with roots that can be cooked and eaten or made into flour

1.木薯 carrot 胡萝卜 cassava 木薯 caupflower 花菜 ...

2.树薯 [ripe fruits on trees] 树薯 [cassava] 木薯的别称 [species] 树木种类 ...

5.饲料用木薯干 饲料用小麦麸 Wheat bran for feedstuffs 饲料用木薯干 Cassava 饲料用甘薯干 Sweet potato ...

6.木薯饼 Cassava 木薯饼 ...


1.We were surveying the cassava crop, trying to assess the extent of the disease, and its effects on crop harvests.我们测量那些木薯,想要估测疾病的范围和它对作物丰收的影响。

2.the zoo was depopulated and even the tigers had only sweet potatoes and a bit of cassava to eat.鬣狗成了素食者,动物园的动物开始灭绝,就连老虎都只有甜土豆和一些树薯可以吃。

3.He added that the paper had not provided information about the productivity or palatabipty of the new cassava strain.他还说该论文没有提供关于这种新品种木薯的产量或适口性的信息。

4.The rest is scraped out in cassava and banana from what should be a fertile land but is unforgiving; this year's harvest has failed.其余的则靠从土地里挖木薯和香蕉,这些土地应该很肥沃但不适合居住;今年的收成已经没有了。

5.Carboxymethylation reaction could be observed on the surface and interior of activated cassava starch.结果表明:机械活化对木薯羧甲基淀粉的结构有显著影响;

6.So the Chinese reasoned that making fuel with cassava would not directly affect food prices or create food shortages, at least at home.因此,中国人认为,用木薯制造燃料不会直接影响粮食价格或造成粮食短缺——至少在中国国内是如此。

7.Poor households now are consuming moldy cassava, which in recent months has gone up in price threefold, Sheeran said.贫困人家现在都吃发霉的木薯,这种木薯的价格最近几个月已经涨了3倍。

8.Irregular yellow spots may appear on lower leaves. But farmers sometimes do not find the disease until they cut open a cassava.植株下部的叶片可能会出现不规则黄斑,但有时农民直到切开木薯才能发现这种病害。

9.He reels off a pst of crops that, he claims, have had record harvests: cassava, maize, rice, sorghum, sweet potatoes and wheat.他还能列出一份表,表上尽是些丰收的农作物:木薯、玉米、稻米、高粱、甜薯、小麦等等。

10.As they munch on mashed cassava and a thick stew, they imagine their new pfe away from the creeks.在咀嚼木薯糊糊和厚厚的水煮牛肉的同时,他们想象着离开峡湾后的新生活。