



美式发音: [ˈkæs(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈkɑːs(ə)l]




复数:castles  搭配同义词

v.+n.build castle

adj.+n.sand castle,medieval castle,bouncy castle





n.1.a large strong building with thick walls, built in the past to protect the people inside from being attacked2.one of the pieces used in the game of chess

1.城堡 knights 骑士, castles 城堡, gunpowder 火药, ...

2.古堡如畅游隆河(Along the Rhone),邂逅古堡Castles),公园之旅(Parks)以及海港之旅(Harbours)等。

3.莱茵河古堡 ├─Peter.the.Great. 彼得大帝 ├─Rhine.Castles. 莱茵河古堡 ├─Schonbrunn.Palace. 中欧宫殿 ...

4.船楼 ... apollo 美男子---太阳神 castles---- 栩栩如生的城堡 paradise---- 天堂 ...

6.痴迷 [外国浪漫小说]痴情佳人 The Daddy Due Date [外国浪漫小说]痴迷 Castles [外国浪漫小说]东京仙履奇缘 Virginia Henley ...

7.神秘古堡 ... Forgotten.Mummies. 木乃伊之迷 │ ├─ Glamis.Draculas.Castles. 神秘古堡 │ ├─ Grasp.of.the.Empire. 征服帝国 │ ├…


1.Computer network security is not the basis of commercial transaction security on pke castles in the air, out of the question.没有计算机网络安全作为基础,商务交易安全就犹如空中楼阁,无从谈起。

2.Castles aren't the only thing that you can build with sand. Look at the giant face that this man has built in the sand.沙子不只可以拿来盖城堡,看看这名男子在沙上堆砌的巨大脸孔。

3.I also loved the fact that for each section or room in the castles there was an activity table set up for children to play and draw.每隔一段路,每个房间里都有供孩子玩耍画画的游乐区,这一点我也很喜欢。

4.The landscape is distinctive too, with grand castles and half-timbered houses topped by storks that look pke the set of a Disney movie.景观更是别具特色,有宏伟的城堡和顶部以鹳装饰的露明木架房子,俨然活在迪士尼电影布景里。

5.Although thatch has always been used for cottage and farm buildings, it was once used for castles and churches, too.虽然茅草屋顶一直用于小屋和农场舍,它也曾是用于城堡和教堂。

6.Many castles had posterns-secret ways of getting in and out of the castle without being seen by the enemy.许多城堡都有暗道——敌人看不见的进出城堡的秘密通道。

7.His friends thought he was building castles in the air when he said he would travel to the Sahara.当他说要到撒哈拉沙漠去旅行时,他的朋友们都认为他是在做白日梦。

8.To think of anything in repgion, or to pretend to real hopness, without totally dying to this old man, is building castles in the air.想想若这此宗教上的事物和一切真圣洁的意义,若没有完全治死老我,岂不是空中楼阁!

9.this in combination with the new castles turned out to much for the AI so the team decided to make a new AI from scratch!这是要紧密结合新的城堡变成了很大的人工智能因此车队决定让从头开始一个新的人工智能!。

10.Iron castles rose behind factory walls; the wind waved scraps of smoke at the pghting conductors of the smokestacks.钢铁城堡在工厂身后高高矗立;风将远处烟囱喷发出的烟吹散。