


美式发音: [.si bi 'i] 英式发音: [.siː biː 'iː]

abbr.英帝国司令勋衔获得者(全写为Commander (of the Order) of the British Empire,英国授予有特殊功绩的人的奖励)

网络释义:计算机辅助教育(Computer Based Education);大英帝国勋章;大英帝国司令勋章(Commander of the British Empire)




1.英帝国高级勋位获得者,英帝国司令勋衔获得者(全写为 Commander (of the Order) of the British Empire,英国授予有特殊功绩的人的奖励)the abbreviation for‘Commander (of the Order) of the British Empire’ (an award given in Britain to some people for a special achievement)

He was made a CBE in 2006.他在 2006 年被授予英帝国高级勋位。

Shami Chakrabarti CBE英帝国高级勋爵沙米 ) 查克拉巴提

n.1.Commander of the British Empire: a special title given to someone in the UK whose work has helped the country

abbr.1.Commander of the (Order of the) British Empire

1.计算机辅助教育(Computer Based Education)


1.The new event emitter primitive provides an easy to use, flexible way to generate a Common Base Event (CBE) in a mediation flow.新的事件发射器基元提供了一种易用的、灵活的方式,可以在中介流中生成CommonBaseEvent(CBE)。

2.After instances of the process have been migrated to a newer version, you can find these events in the CBE browser as shown in Figure 28.流程实例被迁移到一个新版本之后,您可以在CBE浏览窗口找到这些版本,如图28所示。

3.The CBE needs to contain all of the information needed by the consumers to understand the event.CBE需要包含使用者所需的全部信息,以便理解事件。

4.The filter configuration string is an XPath expression used to filter CBEs.过滤器配置字符串是用于过滤器CBE的XPath表述。

5.In this case, the event message will automatically get converted to a CBE event and get sent to the Premises Server via the event channel.在这种情况下,事件消息将自动转换为CBE事件,并通过事件通道发送到PremisesServer。

6.He was appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in 1955, and was knighted in 1959.1955年,他被授予大英帝国司令勋章(CBE)又在1959年被封为爵士。

7.WebSphere Sensor Events repes on the CBE event format specification for the envelope of the event message for flow control and routing.WebSphereSensorEvents依赖于流量控制和路由的事件消息包络层的CBE事件格式规范。

8.This agent converts the messages from the Data Capture event message format into the CBE event format expected by the Premises Server.此代理将DataCapture事件消息格式的消息转换为PremisesServer预期的CBE事件格式。

9.As we discussed earper, the CBE is the accepted standard for such a structure.正如前面讨论的,CBE是被广泛接受的此类结构的标准。

10.Emitters configured to send events asynchronously will post CBEs to a JMS queue used by the CEI server.配置异步发送事件的发射器将把CBE放到到CEI服务器所使用的JMS队列中。