


网络释义:关键控制点;美国化工过程安全中心(Center for Chemical Process Safety);谐振电容器充电电源


1.关键控制点②确定关键控制点CCPs)以控制危害(风险管理);③建立和确定每个CCPs相对应的临界值(风险管理); ④确定检测 …

2.美国化工过程安全中心(Center for Chemical Process Safety)~ Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) (作者) 市场价: ¥ 1,142.00 价格: ¥ 982.00 免费送货 详情 为您节省: ¥ 160.00 (…

3.谐振电容器充电电源  串联谐振电容器充电电源(CCPS)电路主要有以下三种工作模式[4]:  (1)开关频率低于谐振频率一半时的不连续导电模式(模式1,…


1.It has been a year since i have joined in the CCPS, in this short year, I experienced a lot.想来加入文教已经一年了,在这短短的一年里,我经历了很多很多。

2.From a naive high school students into an independent-minded students, it must be said that it's the CCPS' gift for me.从一个幼稚的高中生变成一个有独立思想的大学生,这不能不说是文教对我的恩赐。

3.For interest rate swaps, Japan's FSA has said that, ideally, domestic CCPs should be used to reduce settlement risk swiftly and effectively.对于利率掉期合约,日本金融厅已表示,理想的情况是,应利用国内中央结算对手迅速而有效地降低清算风险。

4.This paper presents the research and development work on series resonant CCPS appped to pulsed plasma thruster (PPT).本论文介绍了应用于脉冲等离子体推进器的串联谐振电容器充电电源的研制。

5.But a host of uncertainties over how CCPs will function in this new era mean there is scant confidence that problems will be avoided.但是,对于CCP在新时代如何发挥作用的大量不确定性,意味着人们对于避免问题信心不足。

6.Others worry about a concentration of market power at the biggest CCPs.也有人担心,市场权力会向最大的CCP手中集中。

7.If the benefits of CCPs in OTC markets are so overwhelming, why did they not emerge on their own?如果场外交易的集中交易对手的收益真的如此巨大,那么它们为什么没有早点自己冒出来呢?

8.The effective use of the CCPs technology has only just started in Asian countries.燃煤副产品的有效利用技术在亚洲国家才刚刚起步。

9.There is also a risk of creating too many CCPs.发行过多的集中交易对手也十分冒险。

10.Consultative Council for Postal Studies -- CCPS邮政研究咨询理事会