




1.切赫 ... 19. Ronaldinho( 罗纳尔迪尼奥,巴西,前场) 24. Cech佩特·切赫,捷克,门将) 26. Henry( 蒂埃里·亨利…

5.捷克 2005-巴塞罗那- Barcelona 2006-捷克- Cech 2006-爱尔兰- Irland ...


1.Fresh from his man of the match display against Portsmouth at Fratton Park, Petr Cech talked confidently about a controversial subject.刚从他在弗拉帕顿公园面对朴茨茅斯时的当场最佳球员表现回来,彼得.切赫自信地谈及一个有争论性的话题。

2.The game was opening up. Rooney powered goal-side of Essien and raced for goal, but Cech claimed it from his feet when he over hit it.比赛开始激烈起来。鲁尼抢下艾辛的球,长驱直入,但是切赫在他倘大的一瞬从他的脚下把球扑住。

3.Christmas - A Season of Good Will! Let's hope Petr Cech has a great festive season as he attempts to get his career back on track.圣诞节——一个赛季最好的时刻!让我们祝福切赫拥有一个美好的赛季,祝福他能早日恢复!

4.If there was bleeding around the brain, this could lead to further neurological problems, forcing Cech out for many months.而如果有脑部出血状况,则可能引发神经上的问题,迫使切赫缺赛数月。

5.Cech's immediate reaction was to feel sorry for Helton, as well as putting himself on guard against anything similar.切赫当时立刻的反应是替赫尔顿遗憾,作为门将他自己也会面对类似的情况。

6.Petr Cech and his wife proudly announced today the birth of their first daughter.彼得-切赫和他的妻子今天骄傲的宣布,他们的第一个女儿诞生了!

7.A rare Reading foray into the Chelsea half caused panic in the visiting defence, which ended with Doyle smashing the ball straight at Cech.雷丁少有的突袭进切尔西半场导致了对方防守队员的恐慌,但是最后多伊尔却将球直接射向了切赫。

8.Chelsea keeper Petr Cech has revealed that he is fully fit and ready to return to first team action.切尔西门将切赫说他已经完全康复了,并且准备好回到一线队伍来。

9.Cech has made one world class save again, Terry has been dominate at the back, and the final minutes are played out in dreamland ecstasy.切赫又做出了世界级的扑救,特里在禁区内一夫当关,最后几分钟时间仿佛是在梦幻国度的狂喜中度过的。

10.Casillas saw footage of the incident that left Cech with a fractured skull, and bepeves keepers should be given more protection.卡西利亚斯看过导致切赫头部骨折那次意外的录象,他认为门将应该得到更多的保护。