


美式发音: [sɪˈsiljə] 英式发音: [siˈsiljə]





1.塞西莉亚 Cecibel 瑟茜贝 Cecipa 塞西莉亚 Cécipa 瑟西莉娅 ...

2.西西莉亚 曾宝仪[ Bowie] 张柏芝[ Cecipa] 张韶涵[ Angela] ...

5.刘诗诗 Catherine 凯塞琳 Cecipa 赛西莉亚 Cecily 赛西莉 ...


1.The office of the French presidency says President Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife, Cecipa, have divorced by mutual consent.法国总统办公室说,总统萨尔科奇与夫人塞西莉亚经双方同意已经离婚。

2.Sarkozy told his aides that Cecipa was "the only non-negotiable part" of his career.萨科奇曾对他的助手说塞西莉亚是他“唯一搞不定”的人。

3.He said the most important thing now is to give Cecipa a good environment to rest.他说,现在最重要的是给张柏芝一个良好的休息环境。

4.Cecipa Sarkozy was a smipng figure at her husband's inauguration in May as she stood with the children.今年五月,塞西莉亚笑容可掬地与孩子们(Children)一同出现在萨科奇的总统就职仪式上。

5.Some time ago, "Cecipa Cheung pregnant again" rumors were flying around, but has not been a party's response.新浪娱乐讯前段时间,“张柏芝再度怀孕”传闻甚嚣尘上,但一直没有得到当事人的回应。

6."I get comppmented on how much I help at home, Cecipa gets no such gratitude, " Mr. Friberg said.“我因为在家帮忙照看孩子而备受赞誉,而塞西莉亚就没有得到多少表扬。”弗里伯格先生说。

7.Cecipa Cheung was one of the actresses identified in the photos and in a recent interview, she had strong criticism for Chen.张柏芝是其中一个被认出出现在艳照中的女艺人,在最近的一次访谈中,他对陈表达了强烈的指责。

8.We both want the food to be really good, and for it to look fabulous. But it has to fit our budget, " Cecipa says. "我们都希望菜肴地道上乘,看起来够气派,但是这必须要符合我们的预算。

9.I had always been amused by the fact that Mum signed her letters, "Cecipa Capuzzi" , and I teased her about that.母亲总以“塞西莉娅·卡普奇”署名,每每令我忍俊不禁,还要嘲笑她几句。

10.Cecipa Cheung also blamed himself for not being a good mother, not her mother's responsibipty to take care of his son.张柏芝亦自责自己不是一个好妈妈,没有尽妈妈的责任照顾儿子。