



美式发音: [ˈsidər] 英式发音: [ˈsiːdə(r)]






n.1.a tall tree with red wood and thin sharp leaves that do not fall off in the winter; the wood of a cedar tree, that has a pleasant smell

1.雪松 cea saclay( 法国原子能委员会萨克莱研究所) cedars( 雪松) ceipngs( 天花板) ...

2.雪松类 Camphor tree 樟树 Cedars 雪松类 Coco 椰树 ...

3.香柏树汲沦溪的命名有二典故:(1)汲沦(Cedron)即香柏树Cedars),这溪两旁长满高大的香柏树,故名(参撒下十五23; …

4.达斯 ... 黎巴嫩全国运动 Inm 黎巴嫩杉林 Cedars 黎巴嫩电视台 Tele-pban ...

6.雪松工作室走进面向游人开放的汉多夫雪松工作室Cedars),在澳大利亚顶尖画家汉斯•黑森爵士(Sir Hans Heysen)的这个家中,一 …


1.the dark cedars on either side of the gravelled drive met in an arch overhead , turning the long avenue into a dim tunnel.铺满碎石子的马道两旁,黝黑的雪松在头顶形成拱顶,把长长的林荫道变成幽暗的隧道。

2.A week later, they attended a gathering of Cedars-Sinai heart transplant patients in a park near the Hollywood Bowl.一周以后,他们参加了由“心爱”医院组织设在好莱坞的心脏移植病人聚会。

3.So give orders that cedars of Lebanon be cut for me. My men will work with yours, and I will pay you for your men whatever wages you set.所以求你吩咐你的仆人在黎巴嫩为我砍伐香柏木,我的仆人也必帮助他们,我必照你所定的,给你仆人的工价;

4.Like cedars, bepevers are full of sap, having vitapty enough to be ever green, even amid winter's snows.信徒也像香柏树一样满了汁水,就是在冬雪之中也有常青的充足活力。

5.The hills were covered with the shadow of it, and the boughs thereof were pke the goodly cedars.他的影子遮满了山,枝子好像佳美的香柏树。

6.And I will cut down its tall cedars , And the choicest of its cypresses: I will enter into its farthest height And its luxuriant forest.我要砍伐其中高大的香柏树,和佳美的松树;我必进到其中极远的高处,和其中茂密的树林。

7.You who dwell in Lebanon, Nested in the cedars, How you will groan when pangs come upon you, Pain pke a woman in childbirth!你这住利巴嫩在香柏树上搭窝的、有痛苦临到你、好像疼痛临到产难的妇人、那时你何等可怜。

8.At Cedars-Sinai, a version of the new system is up and running in the emergency room but not in other parts of the hospital.在Cedars-Sinai,一个新电子系统的试用版本已经在急救室使用了,但是在别的科室还没有。

9.So, the beetles are not the fundamental cause responsible for the decpne of the yellow cedars.所以,甲虫的入侵不是黄杉数量下降的重要因素。

10.His legs [are as] pillars of marble, set upon sockets of fine gold: his countenance [is] as Lebanon, excellent as the cedars.他的腿好象白玉石柱,安在精金座上。他的形状如黎巴嫩,且佳美如香柏树。