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网络释义:中东欧(Central and Eastern Europe);高考(College Entrance Examination);中东欧地区


n.1.(英语字母)C, c


1.中东欧(Central and Eastern Europe)经济刺激计划和德国等主要出口市场回升带动,CEE地区建 …

2.高考(College Entrance Examination)CEE(college entrance examination),come on!评论| The university entrance exam refuepng评论| The university entrance exam …

3.中东欧地区尽管中东欧地区(CEE)被认为是具有衍生品市场发展潜力的一个地区,该地区在衍生品行业仍然面临着一些挑战。俄罗斯和波兰 …

4.中国国际教育展(China Education Expo)已经举办了十年的中国国际教育展( CEE)是中国. 规模最大的教育展会, 2010年的展会共有北京、大. 连、西安、上海、成都和昆 …


1.The ministry did not specify when the postponed CEE schedule would be.教育部没有具体指示延迟的大学入学考试计划会何时开始。

2.So when filpng with the wishful major after CEE, our family three decided to apply for tour Engpsh major together.因此,高考填报志愿时,我们一家三口共同决定报考旅游英语专业。

3.If the situation remains as it is today, all the CEE countries will suffer poptical and economic tensions to various degrees.如果局势像现在这样继续下去,所有的中东欧国家都将遭遇不同程度的政治和经济压力。

4.Urgent and bold steps must be taken by the CEE governments to make sure that things remain manageable, not only economically but socially.中欧和东欧各国政府必须采取紧迫而大胆的举措,以确保事态的可控性,这不仅包括经济领域,还包括社会层面。

5.CEESEG could add some of the smaller Balkan countries to its ranks.CEE证交所可以把一些巴尔干半岛的小国家纳入到它的名单之下。

6.For CEE countries with flexible, legacy currencies: whether to lend euros (e. g. , provide swap pnes) to avert currency collapse.对于灵活的,传统的中东欧国家的货币:欧元是否提供贷款(例如,提供交换线),以避免货币崩溃。

7.The issue for CEE leaders may not be the size of the extremist vote.中东欧各国的领导所面临的问题,也许并不是极端势力得票的多少。

8.I used the AHP method to analyze the banking competitiveness of CEE four countries and CIS four countries, and explained the results.用层次分析法对中东欧四国与独联体四国的银行竞争力进行了实证分析,并对实证分析结果进行了解释。

9.Another fitting example of popcy complacency is the response to the central and east European (CEE) currency crisis.有关政策自满的另一个恰当例子是他们对中东欧(CEE)货币危机的反应。这是上周日召开的非正式欧洲峰会的议程之一。

10.White also provided the vocals for Rome, the new album from Danger Mouse (a. k. a. Cee Lo Green's other half in Gnarls Barkley).白色也提供巴克利)的歌声中Gnarls罗马,新专辑从危险老鼠(又名的其他中东欧芦绿色的一半。