


网络释义:华盛昌;通道电子倍增器(channel electron multipper);客户体验管理(Customer Experience Management)


1.华盛昌设备和仪器 硅微条探测器 塑料闪烁体 微通道板 单通道电子倍增器(CEM) 电荷灵敏前置放大器 深水高纯锗谱仪 高纯锗探测器 …

3.客户体验管理(Customer Experience Management)在客户体验管理(CEM)和客户关系管理(CRM)中经常提到一个"建立统一客户视图" ,什么是"统一客户试图"啊?请前辈多多指教200…

4.连续发射监测(Continuous Emission Monitoring)TML为广大客户提供登峰造极的污染源在线监测系统CEM(CEMS-Continuous Emission Monitoring)技术。一方面,作为专业的 …

5.澳门电力公司澳门电力公司(CEM)专家认为系统各项技术指标满足技术协议及相关设计联络会的要求,一致同意通过出厂验收。澳门能量计划 …


1.In the study of piles jacking in soil, cavity expansion method (CEM) in infinite space is usually used to simulate the expansion of piles.在静压桩贯入问题的研究中,常用无限土体中圆孔扩张法来模拟桩端对土体的扩张。

2.Cem, his hound dog, came up to him then and nuzzled his hand before lying down at his feet.他的猎犬赛姆过来用鼻子蹭了蹭他的手,卧在了他的脚边。

3.Cem Hakko predicts turnover of $200m next year, including a contribution from his media interests, mainly music radio and television.杰姆•哈科预测,该公司明年的营业额将达到2亿美元,其中包括来自以音乐电台和电视为主的媒体业务的收入。

4.In the case of our example, that book is Testing Computer Software by Cem Kaner et al. (my second favorite book on software testing).在我们的例子中,那本书是TestingComputerSoftware,作者是CemKaneretal(那是我在软件测试方面第二喜爱的书)。

5.CEM - Macao Electricity Company WORK PERFORMED : Condition assessment of secondary super heater elements , Macao, CHINA .澳门电力公司所做工作:在中国澳门,对二级特大型加过热器部件进行状态状况评估。

6.Cem is currently hiding out in France, avoiding a 23-year prison sentence back home.杰姆现在隐藏在法国,以逃避国内23年刑期。

7.CEM - Macao Electricity Company WORK PERFORMED: Failure analysis of turbine blades, Macao, CHINA.CEM-澳门电力公司所做工作:在中国澳门,负责涡轮叶片故障分析。

8.However, "perfect" modulation in CEM may not be possible for some partial orders.然而,并非所有的偏序结构在紧缩调节中都能完美的调节。

9.The plane was being flown by a commercial South African company, Cem Air.驾驶飞机的是南非的商务航空租赁公司CemAir。

10.If there are no discontinuities or drainage holes, the CEM will automatically be degenerated to the conventional finite element method(FEM).如果计算域中不含排水孔和不连续面,复合单元法将自动退化为常规的有限单元法。