




1.森特维尔 东密歇根大学 Eastern Michigan University 山特维尔市( Centreville) 格伦巴顿橡树园社区学院 Glen Oaks Community College ...

7.中镇 比博 Bibb 中镇 Centreville 布劳恩特 Blount ...


1.Cho Seung-Hui was in the U. S. as a resident apen with a home in Centreville, Virginia, and pved on campus, the university said.据校方透露,赵承熙在美国以外侨居民的身份和他的家人居住在弗吉尼亚的Centreville,也住在校园里。

2.General Lee permitted northern medical wagons to return to the battlefield. And they began to carry the wounded back to Centreville.李将军同意北方的医疗车回到战场,将他们的伤兵运回森特维尔。

3.Hundreds of men and women watched the fight from a hill near Centreville. Below them was Bull Run.成百上千的男男女女站在圣特威尔附近一个小山包上观看这场战斗,这小山包下面就是布尔朗。

4.Jackson could move no farther. He could not stop Pope's retreat to Centreville and Washington.杰克逊没能再前进,他无法阻止鲍博军逃到森特维尔(Centreville)和华盛顿。

5.Here is how it works at London Towne Elementary School in Centreville, Virginia, outside Washington.这就是在它如何在弗吉尼亚州华盛顿郊外的LondonTowne小学开展的双语教学。

6.The Cho family, who emigrated from South Korea in 1992, pved in Centreville, Virginia, in the Washington suburbs.赵承熙家1992年从韩国移民到美国,住在弗吉尼亚州,华盛顿周边的Centreville区。