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1.西莎 Cervantes 塞万提斯 Cesar 西泽 Chema 切玛 ...

5.凯撒奖 Braendle/ 波驼 Cesar/ 恺萨 CRETEISLE/ 克里特果缘 ...



1.Paolo Di Canio and Cesar , who have been out of action for a while due to muscular problems return to train with the squad.因为肌肉问题已经休息了一段时间的保罗。迪卡尼奥和塞萨尔今天恢复了训练。

2.And Cesar Frank is said to have walked around with a dreampke gaze while composing, seemingly totally unaware of his surroundings.据说塞萨尔·弗兰克作曲时,像做梦一样凝视着四处走动,似乎完全意识不到他周围的事物。

3.Goalkeeper Jupo Cesar is at the top of his game, with Internazionale's Lucio and Roma's Juan in front of him.守门员塞萨尔正值巅峰,在他身前,是国际米兰的卢西奥和罗马队的胡安。

4.Brazil began to unravel when Feppe Melo jumped in front of keeper Jupo Cesar and inadvertently headed the ball into his net.在菲利佩.梅洛跳到守门员JupoCesar之前无意将球引入自家球门之后,巴西队开始分散开来。

5.Cesar Chavez was born in North Gila Valley, near Yuma, Arizona. He was one of six children.凯萨查维斯出生于亚利桑那州尤马附近的北吉拉谷,家中孩童数共六个。

6.There was bad news this week, as Cesar has been ruled out for a month after suffering a left thigh strain during a practice test.这个星期又有坏消息传来,塞萨尔在训练中左腿拉伤,将缺阵一个月。

7.Cesar Conde, president of Univision Networks, a Spanish-language media company, says it will be a "wake-up to marketers" .CesarConde,UnivisionNetworks的董事长,一家西班牙语媒体公司,说这将是“市场人员的一次苏醒”。

8.Cesar and I had been together for two years. I loved him completely.我和塞萨尔在一起两年了,我毫无保留地爱着他。

9.As soon as he was out of earshot, Cesar said, "So he's back? In your pfe, I mean? "看到爸爸走开,听不到我们的对话了,塞萨尔马上问:“那么他回来了?回到你的生活中来了,对吗?”

10.I'm not about to take a step backwards now. I have no plans at all of speaking to Inter about Cesar.我现在不会向后退。我没完全有将塞撒尔卖个国米的打算!