


美式发音: [ˈsiziəm] 英式发音: [ˈsiːziəm]







1.[u]a chemical element. Cesium is a soft silver-white metal that reacts strongly in water, used in photoelectric cells .

— see alsocaesium


n.1.a chemical element that is a metal and is used in photoelectric cells

1.铯 溴化铯 Cesium bromide; 金属铯 cesium; 长春新碱 Vincristine; ...

4.原子钟常的精密复杂,它可以计算出一些极微小的讯息信息,如原子钟(Cesium) 即是如此一个精准的装置,但是精准并不代表完美…

5.铯离子 ... 铷离子 Rubidium 铯离子 Cesium 砷离子 Aresnic ...

6.铯原子 ... 区块层级元素 block-level element 铯元素 cesium 上级元素 ancestor element ...

8.原级铯 Brinell 原级勃 cesium 原级铯 clock 原级钟 ...


1.Because iodine starts to dissipate after a few days, the risk isn't as long lasting as with cesium, which remains for decades, he said.因为碘在几天以后开始消散,其风险不像铯那样能持续很长时间,铯会保持几十年。

2.Thus the timing of the random ticks of a Geiger counter placed near the cesium might be used to generate random numbers.因此,放着在铯边上的盖革计数器的随机响声的间隔时间可以被用来产生随机数。

3.Japanese television reported that the country's Nuclear and Industry Safety Agency said it had detected cesium near one of those reactors.日本电视台报道,该国的核工业安全局称,其在这两个反应堆其在一个的附近,发现铯。

4.Reported that after testing the air in Tokyo, did not detect the radioactive nuclear reactor usually have cesium and radioactive iodine.报道说,经过对东京空气的检测,没有检测出核反应堆通常拥有的放射性铯和放射性碘。

5.A second of time, for instance, is now defined in terms of an electron transition of the cesium atom.比如,一秒钟时间,现在是根据铯原子的电子跃迁来定义的。

6.In spinach it was more than seven times higher. The spinach also contained spghtly higher amounts of cesium-137.菠菜中还含有稍微偏高的铯-137。

7.Detected in marine plankton collected near the body of the maximum activity of radioactive cesium 669 Becquerel per kilogram.检测发现,在海岸附近采集的浮游生物体内放射性铯活度最高达到每公斤669贝克勒尔。

8.Frustrated residents of some towns have planted sunflowers in a fruitless effort to suck radioactive cesium out of the farmland.一些城镇里无奈的居民们种植了向日葵,不是为了收获,而是让它们从农田里吸收放射性物质铯。

9.Cesium-134 is considered somewhat less of a long-term problem because it has a half-pfe of two years.铯134被认为影响没有那么长久,因为它的半衰期是两年。

10.It is cesium-137 that still contaminates much of the land in Ukraine around the Chernobyl reactor.这种铯-137还在污染着乌克兰切尔诺贝利核电站周围的大片土地。