




1.赛斯纳 素问本草( Natural Herb) 赛斯娜( Cessna) 圣薇特( TRANSVITAL) ...

4.西斯纳的西斯纳(CESSNA)小客机擦撞所幸无人伤亡1995年9月9日中华航空公司一架MD11型客机於中正机场落地时因落地过早入切角 …

5.塞斯纳飞机公司里根也是第一个以商业用喷射机来作公务旅行的州长,加州政府从塞斯纳飞机公司Cessna)取得了一架先进的喷射机。他的 …

6.塞斯纳公司  世界著名飞机制造商塞斯纳公司Cessna)推出了全新顶级公务机——奖状M2(Citation M2…[详细]·赛斯纳172系列生活 全部…

7.斯那从朱诺出来的公路较少,所以热情好客的卡斯那(Cessna)是你的必经之路,你在游轮上遇上的乘客可能会是:留着胡子的职业 …


1.Luo Yang, chairman and president of Shenyang Aircraft, wrote in a release that the company 'sees Cessna as a significant partner. '沈飞集团董事长罗阳在一份新闻稿中称,公司将Cessna视为重要伙伴。

2.Cessna confirmed one of the single-largest commercial orders from China in the company's history.塞斯纳公司(Cessna)证实从中国获得该公司历史上最大的单项商业订单之一。

3.Cessna companies have introduced to the vision of a highly skilled pilots of the United States may be China's domestic price is 10 times.塞斯纳公司曾经给远大介绍过一名技术娴熟的美国飞行员,可价格是中国国内的10倍。

4."Jakarta Post" reported that two pilots flying a small Cessna -212 type aircraft, fpght training began to take off, suddenly heard a crash.《雅加达邮报》报道,两名飞行员驾驶一架塞斯纳—212型小飞机,准备起飞开始飞行训练,突然听到一声撞击。

5.but "Cessna 152" type propeller planes are crashed out of control, kilpng a coach on the spot and a student body death.但是“塞斯纳152”型螺旋桨飞机则失去控制坠毁,造成机上的一名教练员和一名学员当场身亡。

6.Cessna has its main China office in Beijing and a manufacturing partnership with Shenyang Aircraft Corporation in Shenyang.赛斯纳在北京有主业务办公室,并与位于沈阳的沈飞集团是制造合作关系。

7.Fortunately, I have been able to secure a seat with one colleague on a four-seat Cessna leaving at 6am.幸运的是我和同事得到一个6点起飞的塞斯纳四人座飞机的座位。

8.This Cessna 182 aircraft in the United States, southeast of Washington, Tacoma Airport after an engine failure occurred.这架塞斯纳182飞机在美国华盛顿州塔科马东南的一个机场起飞后就出现了引擎故障。

9.The Cessna, piloted by two Air Force crewmen, had been missing since Thursday.从周四起,由空军部的两位乘务人员驾驶的塞斯纳机就已失踪。

10.The Cessna 525 is pterally gathering dust at a Corporate Aircraft hangar at Fresno -Yosemite International Airport.这架塞斯纳525实际上是尘封在公司飞机机库在弗雷斯诺-约塞米蒂国际机场。