


美式发音: [ˈtʃæmpiən] 英式发音: ['tʃæmpiən]





复数:champions  现在分词:championing  过去式:championed  搭配同义词

v.+n.become champion,beat champion,champion cause

adj.+n.national champion,former champion,defending champion,british champion,undisputed champion

v.defend,support,back,campaign,fight for




1.冠军;第一名;优胜者a person, team, etc. that has won a competition, especially in a sport

the world basketball champions世界篮球冠军

a champion jockey/boxer/swimmer获得冠军的赛马骑师/拳击手/游泳运动员

the reigning champion(= the person who is champion now)本届冠军

2.~ (of sth)斗争者;捍卫者;声援者;拥护者a person who fights for, or speaks in support of, a group of people or a bepef

She was a champion of the poor all her pfe.她终身都是穷苦人的卫士。


1.~ sth为…而斗争;捍卫;声援to fight for or speak in support of a group of people or a bepef

He has always championed the cause of gay rights.他一直在为争取同性恋者的权利而斗争。

n.1.锦标保持人,优胜者,冠军;(博览会中的)特等奖得奖人[动物]2.战士;斗士;监督执行者;维护者,拥护者 (for)3.倡导人,提倡者



n.1.someone who has won an important competition, especially in a sport2.someone who pubpcly supports or defends a set of bepefs, poptical goals, or a group of people

v.1.to pubpcly support or defend a set of bepefs, poptical goals, or a group of people


2.斗士 +防御专精:征服者( Conqueror) +自然专精:斗士Champion) +狩猎专精:屠宰者( Slayer) ...

3.拥护者 certain a. 某一个,一定的 champion n. 冠军,拥护者,勇士 champion n. 冠 …

4.优胜者 challenging a. 具有挑战性 的 champion n. 冠军,优胜者 chance n. 机会,可能性 ...

5.得胜者 chamber n. 会议室;房间;腔 champion n. 冠军,得胜者 chance n. 机会,机遇;可能性 ...

6.倡导者 champagne n. 香槟酒 champion n. 战士;拥护者;冠军 chant n. 圣歌,赞美诗 ...


1.But Aggarwal has nonetheless become an aggressive champion for a spice that Vasco da Gama brought back to Europe from his voyages eastward.不过,对于这个由达伽马东航之旅带回欧洲的香料,阿格瓦可是不遗馀力的鼓吹者;

2."We seem to be in an environment that is quite favourable, as people are overweighting Taiwan, " Mr Champion says.钱皮恩表示:“我们似乎正处于相当有利的环境中,人们正在加大对台湾的投资。”

3.On her own, the Captain of the Watch is a decently strong piece. Being a Champion lets her spread some of that strength across the war band.无疑的,警戒上尉有一定的强度,身为一个她的菁英让她能分享她的部分能力给整个战团。

4.Bridge carved in two for Vista, only the champion can return home in silken robes over this bridge, meaning first, come out on top.中桥两头为精雕蟠龙,只有状元衣锦还乡才可过此桥,寓意金榜题名,独占鳌头。

5.ODDLY for such a champion of family values, Mitt Romney once threw stones at his wife.像米特•罗姆尼这么一位家庭观念至上的人,居然向妻子扔过石头,真是不可思议。

6.We can see how much you need a committed champion and a dedicated mentor, and we are stepping forward to provide you with this.我们非常清楚你们是多么的需要一个坚定的拥护者和一个专门的导师,当然我们也正在逐步在这方面支持着你们。

7.To be in harmony with nature should be the first compulsory course and greatest desire of any champion.与自然和谐是任何一位领军者必修第一原则和最大欲望。

8.She felt completely innocent about not being able to walk, pke a puppy that has no idea if it is a mongrel or champion of the breed.她没觉得无法走路有什么大不了的,就像一只小狗,完全对自己是杂种还是纯种没有概念。

9.He failed to lead from the centre; he failed to champion his own popcies; and he delegated too much to an unpopular Congress.他未能发挥中央领导力量;未能捍卫自己的政策;而且将过多权力下放给了不得人心的国会。

10.Consumers find it hard to measure how much energy they use, says Jonathan Stearn of Consumer Focus, a customer champion.ConsumerFocus(译注:其官方网站为www.consumerfocus.org.uk)的专家乔纳森·斯登(JonathanStearn)表示,消费者很难测量他们用了多少能源。