



美式发音: [tʃæmp] 英式发音: [tʃæmp]




第三人称单数:champs  现在分词:champing  过去式:champed  同义词





n.1.<slang,AmE>Same as champion2.a champion

v.1.to bite or eat food noisily

1.冠军计划务图文数码印刷公司。绚彩印象数码倡导品牌化经营,通过冠军计划CHAMPS)工作,真正为您提供“按需印刷”的全方位“ …

2.香榭 ... 蜜· Me 香榭 CHAMPS 地铁1969 ParentsKids ...

3.焦急 betty: [美]长颈瓶 champs:v. (指马) 使劲地嚼, 焦急 crocodile:n. 鳄鱼, 鳄鱼皮 ...

4.我们餐厅所使用的冠军检测家介绍一下吧: 地理位置: 酒店的地理位置超赞!离香榭里榭大道和凯旋门(Champs)只有一分钟的路程!酒店周围有一家小药店, …

6.冠军计画视顾客满意,把”为客疯狂”列为企业文化之一,并以「冠军计画(CHAMPS) 」为核心落实。


1.Synopsis : The defending conference champs seem to be in good shape with a healthy Kobe and Bynum. But will they make a move with Odom?综述:假如科比和拜纳姆保持健康,那么卫冕西区冠军看起来状态很好。但是,他们会交易奥多姆吗?

2.To me, this is one of those clear areas where a dual boiler setup champs out on a HX machine.对我来说,这是一个双锅炉安装了HX的机器的空白领域。

3.The Champs-Elysees, filled with sunshine and with people, were nothing but pght and dust, the two things of which glory is composed.充满了日光和人群的爱丽舍广场只见阳光和灰尘,那是构成光辉的两种东西。

4.A year ago in Paris I watched the stately parade down the Champs Elysees of the French Army and the French empire.一年前在巴黎我看了庄严操下来,香榭丽舍大街的法国军队和法国帝国。

5.It's tough because (as the Western Conference Champions) everyone's gunning for you. But still, you're not the champs .说它激烈是因为每个人都在将目标瞄准你,显然,现在你已经不是西部冠军了。

6.To while away the time, I went to the Champs -Elysees. I stayed there for four hours. She did not make an appearance.这时,我到了香榭丽舍大街,在那里溜达了足足有四个小时,她没有出现。

7.I know Yao needs somebody else to pass the ball, but with a good (above average) PG, champs are achievable.我知道姚明需要别人传球给他,但是只要有了一个不错的(高于平均水平)的后卫,冠军就有可能拿到。

8.Saint-Martin-des-Champs had been conceived first as a priory and only later as a revolutionary museum and compendium of arcane knowledge.圣马丁教堂原是一座小修道院,后来则被目为一座革命性的博物馆和神秘知识的摘要。

9.The Champs Elysees is one of the most famous streets in the world; pne with its cinemas, cafe and luxury specialty shops.香榭丽舍大街是世界最著名街道之一,街道两旁电影院、咖啡馆、高档专卖店林立。

10.His situation is in stark contrast to Zambrotta's at Barcelona, where the fullback has settled quickly at the defending European champs.他的处境和在巴赛罗那的边后卫赞布罗塔形成了鲜明的对比,后者迅速容入了球队。