




1.变化率 ... 山月比率: Hill on the ratio of 变化率: Change rate 本月比率 the ratio of this month ...

2.视导函数为变化率 2.微分的法则( Formulas of Derivative) 3.视导函数为变化率( Change Rate ) ...

3.变迁率 vegetation index, NDVI)与变迁率change rate),辅以地理资讯系统及统计方法进行植生变动之时空分析,并比较不同植 …

4.涨跌幅 涨跌额 change amount 涨跌幅 change rate 买入 buy ...


1.The change rate of half year is higher half than a year. because he loan time is shorter, the bank's management charge is higher.半年的期货款的利率往往超过一年期货款利率的一半,因为货款期限越短,银行的管理费用就越高。

2.Finally, the damage degree is determined by radial basis function neural network with input of the change rate of squared modal frequency.最后,将定位出的损伤杆件引起的频率平方的变化比输入径向基神经网络,进行损伤程度评估。

3.The common algorithm of SCR digital trigger, however, was not satisfying on response time, change rate of firing angle and stabipty.一般的晶闸管数字触发器算法存在着响应时间长、触发角不可大幅变化和可靠性差等不足。

4.At present, Industrial structure change can be arrived at mainly by two means: absolute change rate and average deviation change rate.目前,工业结构变动率的计算方法主要有两种:绝对变动率和平均偏差变动率。

5.Point of view from space, the relatively change rate of land use type of different district in Zhejiang province is different.从空间上看,浙江省不同地区各土地利用类型相对变化率各有差异。

6.Take the mean value of dimensional change rate of the 3 test pieces in longitudinal or transverse directions as the test result .分别计算3块试件纵向或横向的尺寸变化率的平均值作为纵向或横向试验结果。

7.After several loading and unloading cycles, the change rate of resistance reached a constant and the residual resistance disappeared.卸载后电阻的恢复率不断增加,最终可完全恢复。

8.Then, the relation between azimuth angle and its change rate is estabpshed through spinor description.然后,通过李群旋量描述,建立了视线方位角与视线角速率之间的联系。

9.The spatial distribution of the change rate shows that the decrease of pan evaporation mainly occurs in East and Central South of China.对蒸发皿蒸发量气候变化的空间分析表明,年蒸发皿蒸发量的下降主要表现在华东和中南地区;

10.The range of the vortex also has impact on the perturbation kinetic energy and its change rate.而扰动涡旋的范围对扰动动能的大小与变化也存在一定的影响。