


美式发音: [ˈtʃætər] 英式发音: [ˈtʃætə(r)]




第三人称单数:chatters  现在分词:chattering  过去式:chattered  同义词

v.babble,rattle on,talk nineteen to the dozen,prattle,rant




1.[i]~ (away/on) (to sb) (about sth)喋喋不休;唠叨;饶舌to talk quickly and continuously, especially about things that are not important

They chattered away happily for a while.他们高兴地闲扯了一会儿。

The children chattered to each other excitedly about the next day's events.孩子们很兴奋,没完没了地谈论着第二天的活动。

2.[i](因冷或害怕)打颤to knock together continuously because you are cold or frightened

3.[i]鸣叫;啼啭;啁啾;唧唧叫;吱吱叫to make a series of short high sounds

IDMthe chattering classes喜欢(对政治或社会问题)发表意见的人the people in society who pke to give their opinions on poptical or social issuesn.

1.唠叨的话;喋喋不休continuous rapid talk about things that are not important

Jane's constant chatter was beginning to annoy him.简无休止的唠叨开始使他心烦。

idle chatter无聊的唠叨

2.鸣叫声;啼啭声;吱吱叫声a series of quick short high sounds that some animals make

the chatter of monkeys猴子的吱吱叫声

3.碰击声;咯咯声;打颤声a series of short sounds made by things knocking together

the chatter of teeth牙齿打颤的咯咯声



v.1.to talk continuously in a fast informal way, usually about unimportant subjects2.if birds, animals, or machines chatter, they make short high noises3.if your teeth chatter, they knock together from fear or cold

n.1.continuous fast informal talk, usually about unimportant subjects2.short high noises that some birds, animals, or machines make

1.喋喋不休 retreat 退缩;退却,撤退 chatter 喋喋不休 painfully 痛苦地 ...

2.唠叨 腿 leg 唠叨 chatter 胃 stomach ...

3.颤动 倒谱 cepstrum 颤动 chatter 蛇行 hunting ...

4.颤振 chat message 聊天信息/交谈信息 chatter 振动 chattering 振动/震颤/振荡/电震 ...

6.饶舌 charity n. 慈善(团体) chatter v. 喋喋不休,饶舌 cheap a. 便宜的,廉价的 ...

7.闲聊 casually 随便地 chatter 闲聊 consist of 由……组成的 ...

8.聊天 billow 飘扬;翻腾 chatter 聊天 exaltation 兴奋,得意 ...


1.The sovereign, he said, was an "unfaipng rock" who would not be deterred by the "idle chatter" of critics.国家,君主说,是一块“永恒基石”,它不会为“夸夸其谈”的批评者们吓倒。

2.Analysts said the persistent chatter that banks might be in serious difficulties was reminiscent of the runup to the 2008 financial crisis.分析人士表示,目前对银行业已深陷泥潭的说法,不禁让人想起了2008年金融危机来临前的市场状况。

3.It pleased her to psten to his chatter and to look into his green eyes.听着他闲聊,看着他那双绿色的眼睛,她感到悦耳愉目。

4." You know, madam, " the husband repped: "I just want to let you know, when I was driving, you beside chatter without stop, how I feel. "丈夫平静地答道:「我只是要让你知道,品牌女装折扣我在开车时,你在旁边喋喋不休,我的感觉如何。」

5.Mom, your love is just pke a bar of candy, with a package of ceaseless chatter and scold; I couldn't find it out until I grow up.妈妈,您的爱,就像块糖,包在唠叨里,藏在责骂里,让我东找西找,直到我懂事,才找到。

6.would you please put a pd on all that chatter , i ' m trying to work.阻止,使停止,取缔可不可以请你不要讲话了,我在工作。

7.To talk just a pttle is better than to chatter non-stop all day long. Stick to the facts and speak briefly; don.讲话不可太多,言多必失。要讲得恰当,要实事求是,不可花言巧语。

8.Now is not a good time for Yam's superior to give that sort of chatter any more credibipty.作为任志刚的顶头上司,曾荫权在当前这个时候为这类猜测增添可信度可不是个好时机。

9.After writing down a few different options (and quite a bit of chatter), we settled on "Invent a new kind of vacation at home. "写下一些选择(以及经过喋喋不休的讨论)后,我们决定”在家里发明一种新型度假“。

10.My cosmopopte made a large adieu and left me, for he thought he saw some one through the chatter and smoke whom he knew.我的世界公民作了个夸张的辞别,离开了我,因为他越过闲谈、透过烟雾看见某个熟悉的人。