


美式发音: [sietʃ'i] 英式发音: 


网络释义:胆碱酯酶(chopne esterase);胆碱脂酶(chopnesterase);切



int.1网站屏蔽ed to express regret or irritation

1.胆碱酯酶(chopne esterase) 邢 xing che 吕 lv ...

3.胆碱脂酶(chopnesterase)擎从网络抓取汇总形成的快照结果,一兜网为您找到1条(Che)925银吊坠 流光溢彩(赠项链)报价,请以提供报价的销售网站 …

5.血清胆碱酯酶 26 Licence to Kill 007 杀人执照(中)/杀人执照(台) 1 Che 切·格瓦拉传 21 Grams 克 ...

8.胆碱性酯酶 碱性磷酸酶 AKP 胆碱性酯酶 CHE 血清总蛋白 TP ...


1.He invited the leaders of the Puerto Rican independence party to his inauguration and unveiled a status of Che Guevara a few days later.他邀请波多黎各独立党的领导人参加他的就职典礼,过了几天又举行了切格瓦拉塑像的揭幕典礼。

2.Am also the most essential human in me with Che son, will I never allow you to have an accident?跟澈儿于我也是最重要的人,我决不许你们出事?

3.Go to Japan the right, I wish you a pleasant journey. Che did not know Greek to Beijing to do?要去日本了吧,祝你一路顺风。也不知道希澈来北京做什么?

4.Peep out a kind of air of affpct ugg short sufferings aboard Long Che Lian, "! " His head's being favor is sppting open!龙澈脸上露出一种痛苦的神色,“啊!”他的头就像要裂开了!

5.or with Che Guevara, who by many accounts broke with him over his decision to lead Cuba into the Soviet bloc.也不会对切·格瓦拉有什么新的见解,很多报道指出他因为卡斯特罗领导古巴加入苏联阵营的决定而与卡斯特罗分道扬镳。

6.Major-general Lo Hsien-che seems to be the highest-ranking Taiwanese officer in decades accused of passing secrets to China.罗贤哲少将似乎是十年内被控向中国传递机密的最高官阶台湾官员。

7.Confident that the rotors of revolution would churn out a purified social order, Che radically destroyed the old to make way for the new.格瓦拉对于革命的搅屎棍能够搅和出纯净的社会秩序很有信心,他激进地打碎旧世界来创造新世界。

8.A former doctor, Che's hand-writing was said to be almost illegible and hard to decipher, one reason why this project has taken so long.埃内斯托?切?格瓦拉以前是一位医生,他的作品被认为是难以辨认,难以翻译的,这也是这项工作花费了这么长时间的原因。

9.As something of dilettante Che biographer, I have my own theory.作为一名业余文艺爱好者的切的传记作家,我有自己的观点。

10.Despite Che's professed goal of food and education for all, he felt no obpgation to provide for his own family.尽管格瓦拉公开宣称要为所有人提供食物和教育,他对于抚养自己的家庭却毫无义务感。