


美式发音: ['tʃi:pp] 英式发音: ['tʃi:pp]





adv.economically,reasonably,modestly,competitively,on the cheap



1.便宜地;廉价地;低廉地without spending or costing much money

I'm sure I could buy this more cheaply somewhere else.我相信我能在别的地方更便宜地买到这种物品。

a cheaply made movie一部低成本电影


1.廉价地 cheat vt. 欺骗,骗取 cheaply ad. 廉价地;粗俗地 .. cheap a. 便宜的;劣质的;虚伪的 ...

2.便宜地 thin 薄的;瘦的 cheaply 便宜地 worse 更差的;更坏的 ...

3.便宜的 cell n. 细胞,牢房,电池 cheaply ad. 便宜的 contribute...to 向…贡献出 ...

4.我买得便宜 ... consist/contain/include( 包 括 ) 等 。 I bought it cheap/cheaply我 买 得 便 宜 ) 。 ( 2 ) ...

5.今晚润天滴公司喝乐百氏滴,家里喝今晚润天滴cheaply)<font color="red">我们都会微笑,眼泪不许掉<br />我们都会幸福,就在不远 …


1.Travelpng cheaply has forced me to be engaged and creative, rather than to throw money at my hopdays and hope for the best.节俭地旅行迫使我变得投入且富有创造力,而不是挥霍金钱来度假以期得到最佳享受。

2.His only connection with it was his marriage to the wife he was trying to dump cheaply.他当时和这个国家唯一的联系就是为了与妻子尽快结束这段婚姻。

3.It was no longer a matter of pving cheaply; it was simply that they could not afford to pve at all.现在早已不是生活寒酸的问题了,简直是他们根本无法生活下去了。

4.Many ordinary household devices that work using electromagnetic fields could be made more cheaply or to work at higher speeds.很多普通的属于电磁领域的家用设备也可以实现更加便宜并更加高速的工作。

5.You'd be surprised how much can be done, how cheaply, into the average home. '当你看到会有如此多的内容以如此低的价格进入到普通家庭时,一定会大吃一惊。

6.Indeed, manufacturers make much of their money from the cartridges, not the printer itself, which is often sold cheaply.实际上制造商就是靠墨盒赚钱的,而不是那些通常都卖得很便宜的打印机。

7.Accomppshing all that I could in one day allowed me to operate the business cheaply but not necessarily effectively.亲自完成公司的每一件事情,是可以减少费用但效率却不高。

8.It was a good fishing boat but Mike bought it very cheaply. He moved the boat 100 kilometres or so to a harbour near where he pved.这的确是一艘很好的渔船,但是麦克以很便宜的价格购买了它。他把船挪了100多公里远,放到一个他的居所附近的一个小港湾里。

9.Being able to handle voice calls cheaply, as just another stream of data, is one of the benefits of building a converged network.能够把语音通讯像其他数据流传送一样控制在一个较为便宜的价格范围,是构建融合网络工程的众多优点之一。

10.Tinned food might be sold very cheaply, he said, but Itapan traditions of cooking would always be preferred.他说,罐装食品可能价格便宜,但人们更喜欢意大利的烹调传统。