




1.查收我的邮件 7. decorate …with … 用……装饰…… 1. check my email 查收我的邮件 2. get up early 起早 ...

2.查邮件 7. stay in bed 待在床上 8. check my email 查邮件 9. do my homework 做作 …

3.查看我的电子邮件 ... have a piano lesson 上钢琴课 check my email 查看我的电子邮件 do my homework 做家庭作 …

4.检查我的电子邮件 3. check my email 检查我的电子邮件 4. do my homework 做我的作业 ...

5.检查邮件 15.travel around the world 周游世界 1. check my email 检查邮件 2.have a piano lesson 上钢琴课 ...


1.I wanted to be a good sport, but the second half of the show was interminable, and I started to fidget and check my email on my phone.我应该做一个讨人喜欢的人,但晚会的后半部分过于冗长,我开始烦躁不安,于是用手机查看电子信箱。

2.Then I'll check my email, putz around on the computer for a bit and then go about getting myself ready for the day.然后我会检查我的邮箱,在电脑上一会儿,紧接着就去为我一天做好准备。

3.Why should I take out my laptop at all if I can whip out my phone and check my email?如果我能随时从口袋掏出手机收邮件,为什么我还要带一台笔记本?

4.I told myself not to check my email until the column was done, but I did peak at my Facebook because I was awaiting a response.我告诉自己专栏文章写完之前不看电子邮件,但我还是登陆了我的Facebook(“脸谱”社交网站),因为我在等一个回复。

5.Mine tells me to check my email, or my analytics. . . or my email (it's been five minutes after all).我的声音告诉我该去查收邮件、我的分析……或者邮件(尽管只隔了五分钟)。

6.Since there was a problem with the Internet access, I couldn't check my email.网络连接出了点问题,我没法接收邮件。

7.Steve: I see that you don't keep up with the latest gadgets my friend. I can check my email and surf the Internet using my mobile phone!史蒂夫:我看你对最新的技术根本不了解朋友。我可以用手机查电子邮件还能上网。

8.On Saturday morning, I'm going to check my email and then I'm going to do my homework.周六上午我打算查看一下邮件然后打算做作业。

9.For some inboxes, you may need to check more than once (I check my email every hour), but don't check constantly and obsessively.有一些收件箱,你可能需要检查几次(我每小时检查一次email),但是不要频繁的检查。

10.You mind if I check my email?不介意我用电脑收下邮件吧?