

cheese sandwich

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1.奶酪三明治 总会三明治 club sandwich 奶酪三明治 cheese sandwich 13.馅饼 pie ...

2.计司三明治 ... 计司面条 Cheese noodles 计司三明治 Cheese sandwich 鲫鱼塞肉 Crucian carp stuffed with pork ...

3.乳酪三明治 总会三明治 club sandwich 乳酪三明治 cheese sandwich 馅饼 pie ...

4.乳酪三味夹 乳酪焗鱼 Fish with cheese 乳酪三味夹 Cheese sandwich 乳酥 Junket ...

5.芝士三文治 ... Chicken Ham Sandwich 腌鸡肉三文治 Cheese Sandwich 芝士三文治 Fruit Punch 什果 …

6.干酪三明治 ... 起司熟成室,干酪熟成室 cheese ripening room 起司三明治,干酪三明治 cheese sandwich 起司糊,干酪糊 cheese s…

7.芝士三明治 ... Figen sand with 手指三明治 Cheese sandwich 芝士三明治 Egg sandwich 鸡蛋三明治 ...

8.起司三明治 ... 起司熟成室,干酪熟成室 cheese ripening room 起司三明治,干酪三明治 cheese sandwich 起司糊,干酪糊 cheese s…


1.A woman popce constable came in with a cup of tea and a very thick cheese sandwich.手端一杯茶和一块厚厚的奶酪三明治走了起来。

2.I take one bite of the Little Girl's grilled - cheese sandwich, then another, and then pretty soon I've eaten half a sandwich.我经常吃一口我的小女儿的烤奶酪三明治,过一会儿又会吃一口…不久就吃掉了一半。

3.If you're super lazy, you could just eat a cheese sandwich, or add some turkey in there, that's good too! .烤奶酪。面包,黄油,奶酪。烧烤和完成。如果你是超级懒,你可以随便吃一个三明治,或添加一些在那里的土耳其,也好啊!。

4.I came down the steps, and there it was, sitting on the counter eating a leftover grilled cheese sandwich.我才下楼,就看见那只老鼠,它坐在柜台上,吃着一块剩下的奶酪三明治。

5.Consider the face on Mars, the Virgin Mary on a grilled cheese sandwich, satanic messages in rock music.想一想火星上的人脸,干酪三明治上的圣母玛丽亚像,摇滚乐传递出的魔鬼般的讯息。

6.I think I will do it. I will get a hot cheese sandwich and a bowl of tomato soup.我想我会的。我会弄一个奶酷汉堡和一碗西红柿汤。

7.South Korean health authorities said they found melamine in Ritz cheese sandwich crackers made by Nabisco.韩国卫生部门称在纳贝斯克(Nabisco)生产的Ritz奶酪夹心饼干中检出三聚氰胺。

8.quite well , thanks . . . a cheese sandwich , then.蛮好,谢谢那么,来一客奶酪三明治吧。

9.What would he pke? -He'd pke a cheese sandwich.他想要什么?他想要个干酪三明治。

10.Exhibit A: the grilled cheese sandwich.一号展品:烤好的奶酪三明治。