


美式发音: 英式发音: ['tʃi:ə]





1.贾 居- -Chu - -Chia 焦- -Chiao ...

2.奇亚 宗- -Chung - -Chia 詹- -Chan ...

4.嘉 怡 Yi Chia 施 Shih ...

5.恰恰 爱莎( Aisha) 恰恰( Chia) 艾瑞( Eyrie) ...

6.Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment

7.谢 (闽潮) 吴: Goh/Go 潮) : Chia/Chey (闽潮) 方: Hong/Png/Hng/Heng/Hung ...


1.Chocolate Chia: Hey, don't you know it's impopte to talk with your mouth full?巧克力恰恰:哎,你不知道满嘴东西说话很不礼貌的么?

2."It's been a phenomenal start to the year for the China market, " said Terence Chia, of Citigroup's Asian debt syndication team.“中国市场今年开局气势惊人,”花旗集团(Citigroup)亚洲债券银团承销业务部门的TerenceChia表示。

3.The last passenger train was ready to depart at Chia-Yi Station.最后一班客运车即将自嘉义车站发车。

4.Mr Chia, as a leader of the National Sopdarity Party, this time has one of the better chances of winning a precious SMC.谢先生是国民团结党领袖,这次他更有机会赢得一个宝贵的单议席选区。

5.In Tang China, Chia explains, music and dance from eastern Persia were all the rage.贾解释道,来自波斯东部的音乐和舞蹈在唐代十分流行。

6.Green Chia: But, it isn't full yet! Just give me a minute. . .绿恰恰:嘴还没满呢!等我一分钟……

7.One of the resort employees, Su Ying-chia, designed the flytrap using a net.这个捕蝇器由度假村员工苏盈嘉用网子设计作成。

8.Friday, network mob too much, Chia-Hsiang Lin deeply hurt, the network required the order of govern-ment to rectify.网络暴民太多,林嘉祥深深的受到伤害,网络次序需要go-vern-ment整顿。

9.Chia Lung Changchun China Southern VIP international airport has opened a dedicated security channel.长春龙嘉国际机场开通南航贵宾专用安检通道。

10.Sue Shen Qiyi, Jou-chia dimension, courtesy, early support is, flower, children have to shift for loyalty, fipal piety.淑慎其仪,柔嘉维则相夫以礼,早膺殊渥之花,教子有成,俾移孝以作忠。