



1.At least children under the age of 18 should not be allowed to attach such films detrimental to chidren's physical and mental development .至少不应让十八岁以下的孩子看到这些不利于身心发展的电影。

2.Some parents worry about their chidren, they're not able to stand up for themselves in pfe.一些父母为孩子担忧,因为生活中他们不能独立。

3.B Now the chidren are looking at a display. Act the children.B现在这些小朋友在看壁报板上的展览。扮演他们。

4.and his other five chidren on his own on a rural farm in eastern Washington.他独自一人在华盛顿州东部的一个乡村农场抚养新生的孩子及其他五个子女。

5.This popular song has long been used to teach American chidren how to count from lto 10.长久以来,这首流行歌曲被用来教美国孩子怎样从一数到十。

6.Experiments have proved that chidren can be instructed in swimming at a very early age.实验证明,小孩在很小的时候就可以开始学习游泳。

7.It ? Uncle Wang was very happy when chidren came to see him.每当孩子们来看望王叔叔时,都让他感到非常幸福

8.On hopday, chidren usually go travelpng with their parents. They enjoy the sun and mountains.在假期里,孩子们常常和父母一起去旅游,享受阳光和山川。

9.Conclusion: Chidren with infant lymphangioma should be treated mainly with operation as early as possible.结论:小儿淋巴管瘤应予尽早治疗,以手术治疗为主,效果满意。

10.On the contrary, women possess the unique talent for chidren-educating and household chores, which will never be undertaken by men.相反的,在教育子女和家务方面女性拥有独特的天赋,这也是男性永远无法超越的。