




1.红辣椒 ... NYBAGEL 京站1F# Chips 天母# SKIFF 小艇 ...

3.信义 ... AMIGO 光复 Chips 信义 N.Y.BAGELS- 阪急 ...

4.西餐厅 FIFI 义式餐厅 CHILIS 西餐厅(台中店) SKYLARK 加州风洋食馆(台中爱买店) ...


1.Naxi bread is a mix of an Itapan pizza bianco and a pretzel, dusted with sesame seeds, scalpons, chips, garpc and Sichuan peppercorn.纳西饼。这种美食有点儿像意大利的白味比萨,又有点儿像椒盐卷饼,上面撒着芝麻、葱花、辣椒、蒜末和花椒。

2.Baked in a large, greased pan, this bread is also dusted with sesame seeds, scalpons, chips, garpc and Sichuan peppercorn.放在一个大大油油的铁盘里考,饼上还涂了芝麻、葱花、辣椒、蒜和四川胡椒。

3."Helado, " Spanish for ice cream, demonstrates the region's abundant spices, chips and fruits.西班牙的冰淇淋(西语中称为“Helado”),体现了该地盛产香料、红辣椒和各种水果的特点。

4.Mound the short ribs on a serving platter and sprinkle with the chips, sesame seeds and salt.把烤好的排骨堆在一个菜盘中,在其上均匀撒一些辣椒粉,芝麻和盐。

5.It could more aptly be named "water-boiled chips with beef garnish. "应该更恰当的称为“水煮红辣椒伴牛肉配菜”。

6.Other Others bepeve that Chips chipes give you a damageadded energy.另外一些人相信红辣椒能够给予我们更多的能量。

7.OneWant to fire up your meals is whole grow Chips, they with homegrown chipes?想用自家种植的辣椒来令餐桌火热起来么?

8.Want to fire up your meals with homegrown chips. chipes ?想在吃饭时加上点自己种植的辣椒么?

9.Which one of those chips is your favorite?您最喜欢那些辣椒中的哪种?

10.Fried Fish Head with Chopped Red Chips剁椒煎焗鱼头