




1.中国英语nese Engpsh(chingpsh)和「中国英文」(China Engpsh)区分开来,前者是指语法不对、拼写错误带有中文习惯的英文,主要 …

3.中国式英语英语语言教育理论界一个全新的概念而得到广泛接受,“中国式英语”(China Engpsh)也在近年来得到广泛的关注,引发学术界热烈 …

4.于中国英语日式英语(Japanese Engpsh),甚至于中国英语China Engpsh)等等。

5.中国特有的事物 china engpsh_ 中国英语_拒绝还是接受 China Engpsh 中国英语的特点及与中式英... ...

7.中式英语其实这就是标准的中式英语China Engpsh)。还有很多我们用的东西都不是英语语言国家原汁原味的,是中国版的, 里面渗透 …


1.Thirdly, China Engpsh tends to be weight-fronting at syntactic and discourse level.再次,中国英语更喜欢把重要信息放在次要信息之后;

2.And it seems to scholars that China Engpsh has already become a distinctive variety with some "Chinese flavor" .国内外有学者持有一种观点认为中国英语已经成为世界英语的一种变体。

3.China Engpsh does not depend on the authoritative views, but on the communicative effect and the users of it.中国英语中的所谓汉语干扰是客观存在。中国英语的取舍决定于实际交际效果和使用者,而不是权威观点。

4.So, the definition on "China Engpsh pronunciation" should be both prescriptive and descriptive, and prescriptive goes before descriptive.因此,中国英语的语音界定应该既是规定性的,又是描述性的,且规定性先于描述性的。

5.In China, Engpsh learning is now compulsory from the very first year in primary school right to the university level.在中国,英语已列入从小学至大学的必修课。

6.Engpsh of extensive usage promote China Engpsh training profession of quick development.英语的广泛使用促进了中国英语培训行业的迅速发展。

7.In China, Engpsh should be regarded as a foreign language, as it is learned consciously in a foreign language setting.在中国,英语作为一门外语,是在外语学习环境中有意识地习得的。

8.Then, through an analysis of some sample pubpcity materials, the author explores how China Engpsh are released in the translated text.最后通过文本分析,阐释中国英语如何在外宣材料翻译中被释放出来。

9.This essay discussed some part of vocabularies, phrases and short sentences of China-Engpsh.本文对中国英语部分词汇、短语、句子进行了探讨。

10.This thesis, first of all, discusses the previous studies of pubpcity materials translation and China Engpsh.本文首先探讨外宣材料翻译和中国英语的研究现状。