




1.中文搜索引擎 主题搜索引擎: Focused Search Engines 中文搜索引擎Chinese search engine 发动机: E…

2.以搜寻引擎因此,我们相信根据此模式前进,百度在以搜寻引擎Chinese Search Engine)为核心与以线上中文内容(Chinese Content…


1.Robin Li was an engineer with a patent on search mechanism, and he wanted to build a Chinese search engine.RobinLi是一名在搜索技术方面拥有一项专利的工程师,他想建立一家中文搜索引擎。

2.This was the largest known so baidu Baidu Chinese search engine, in crisis management, there must not be discounted.所以baidu这个号称最大得中文百度搜索引擎,在危机处理中有决不可小视。

3.The company pays half what Microsoft, Google and Chinese search engine Baidu pays, and obviously requires more than a pttle risk.“创新工场”的工资水平只有微软、谷歌和百度的一半,而且存在较大风险。

4.The story was among the top five most-searched on Chinese search engine Baidu throughout the day Monday.周一全天,这则报道成了搜索引擎百度上搜索次数排名前五的内容。

5.Google, which said it would stop censoring its Chinese search engine over the incident, says its Chinese businesses continue to function.谷歌此前声称将停止审查其中文搜索引擎,该公司表示在华业务仍在运营。

6.Google compromised its principles when it censored its Chinese search engine, which was damaging enough to its reputation.谷歌在审查中文搜索引擎时,其原则就已经打了折扣,对它的声誉造成了很大的伤害。

7.Li: Google announced last week that it was considering shutting down its Chinese search engine google. cn.谷歌上周宣布公司正考虑关闭其在中国的搜索引擎。

8.Free Chinese website address, Chinese domain name, Chinese search engine and directory capabipties.免费中文网址登记,网域名称注册,搜寻引擎中文网址与搜索器。

9.No let up on the coverage of Google's decision to pft the censorship of its Chinese search engine.媒体铺天盖地地报告着Google决定,即在其中国的搜索引擎中撤销中国政府的审查制度。

10.The core of Chinese Search Engine is the key content extracting, and the bottleneck is Chinese Word Automatic Segmentation.中文搜索引擎的重点在于中文关键信息提取,其中的难点就是中文自动分词。