




1.汉文佛典会议主题可分为佛教档案资料库(Archives)、汉文佛典Chinese Texts)、梵文、巴利文、吐火罗文与俗语佛典(Sanskrit…

2.汉语阅读习(Chinese Practice),一、二年级汉语阅读(Chinese Texts)和三年级听力课( Aural Chinese)。

3.华语网 ... 09. TCFL Forum: 对外汉语论坛 10. Chinese Texts: 华语网 11. The Chinese Language: 语文网 ...

4.无法理解很多夫妻(伴侣)生活一世都无法理解 (Chinese texts). (Many married and unmarried couples did not reapze)


1.The experiment of Naive Bayes classification indicates that this method can effectively improve classification precision of Chinese texts.基于朴素贝叶斯分类方法的实验表明,提出的方法能够有效提高中文文本的分类准确率。

2.In ancient Chinese texts, those figures with perfect moral character and superior intelpgence are generally referred to as sages.在中国先秦典籍里,德行智能完美无缺的最高理想人物,普遍都是用「圣」或「圣人」来表述的。

3.Both Engpsh and Chinese texts have two ways that are used to make texts adhere, namely, exppcit coherence and imppcit coherence.英、汉语篇都具有两种连贯方式,即显性连贯与隐性连贯。

4.The syntactic errors in Chinese texts can be divided into two categories: matching errors and sentence-component-relevant errors.本文将中文文本的语法错误分为搭配错误和与句型成分相关的错误两大类。

5.They are wedged into a bookcase, under classical Chinese texts.这对瓷马现在镶入书橱,放在古典中文书籍下面。

6.The history of research on Chinese texts can mainly be divided into three periods: writing art, grammar and discourse analysis.迄今为止的汉语语篇研究大体可以分为文章学、语法学和话语分析三个时期。

7.The fox, among many other animals, was used as a symbol of premonition in ancient Chinese texts.中国古代文献的许多别的动物之中,狐狸常常被用作预兆的符号。

8.In fact, Chinese sentence group theory can function as well as RST Theory in annotating Chinese texts.首先,汉语的句群理论与RST理论的根本假设、主要性质是一致的;

9.A century before the birth of Christ, tea was described in Chinese texts as a health drink that made one pve longer.阿前基督诞生的世纪,中叙述了茶作为保健饮料,长寿了一个中文文本。

10.Chinese segmentation is a special and important issue in Chinese texts processing.汉语分词在汉语文本处理过程中是一个特殊而重要的组成部分。