


美式发音: [tʃɪˈtɑ] 英式发音: [tʃiˈtɑ:]





1.余翠芝 Chiba 千叶 Chita 知多 Daito 大东 ...

4.凶兽 ... 栋冬六月——“喧嚣血眼”永久立体( Cubic Loop) 绫南豹——“旋转铃木”凶兽( Chita) 式岸轧骑——“蠢动没落”街( Bad …

5.奇塔 中部(长野县)-茅野市- CHINO 中部(爱知县)-知多郡- CHITA 中部(爱知县)-浦郡市- GAMAGORI ...

7.赤达 贝加尔湖/ Baikal Lake 赤达/ Chita 那霍德卡/ Nakhodka ...


1.He spends a few more minutes on the phone, then hangs up again and asks me to sit. Chita is on his way.他又打了几分钟电话,再次挂断以后让我坐在这里等,契塔已经在路上了。

2.The pair turned out to be Romanian and eventually confessed to being arrows for an organization authorities traced back to Chita.这两名男子都是罗马尼亚人,最终他们承认自己是为某个组织效力的箭头,警方通过该组织追溯到了契塔。

3.I ask the owner if he knows where Chita is, and he offers to call him.我问咖啡馆老板知不知道契塔在哪儿,他说需要先打电话问一下。

4.After a brief phone conversation, he hangs up and tells me that Chita is in Bucharest.简单聊了几句之后,他挂断了电话,告诉我说契塔在布加勒斯特。

5.The young man says he's heard about Chita from his friends and has seen his name in the papers.年轻男子说他从朋友那里听说契塔的,也在报纸上见过契塔的大名。

6.Chita has them tell me to stand, then he pats me down, asking if I'm wearing a wire.契塔让我站起来,从头到脚检查了一番,还问我是不是带了窃听器。

7.Two other men join us. The young couple from the corner comes over to greet Chita with fawning smiles and handshakes.又有两个人坐了过来——角桌里的那对年轻夫妇赶过来问候契塔,他们带着谄媚的笑容何他握手。

8.Chita spent 14 months in custody before being granted a provisional release pending the completion of his trial, still pending.契塔被拘留了14个月,之后获得保释,然而审判工作一直悬而未决。

9.Chita launched an Internet service provider called NetOne, which authorities bepeve he was using as a shelter for fraudulent activity.契塔虚构了一个名为NetOne的互联网服务供应商资质,当局认为他正是以此作为掩护进行诈骗活动。

10.On an org chart filed in Stoica's office, Chita's photo remains at the top.在斯托伊卡办公室中的一张组织图表上,契塔的照片一直高居榜首。