



美式发音: [tʃaɪv] 英式发音: [tʃaɪvz]






1.北葱,细香葱(长细叶,开紫色花,味似洋葱)the long thin leaves of a plant with purple flowers. Chives taste pke onions and are used to give flavour to food.


n.1.a plant with long thin leaves that taste pke onion and are used for flavoring food

1.韭黄 dried bamboo shoot 笋干 chives 韭黄 ternip 白萝卜 ...

2.细香葱 绿胡椒 green pepper 虾夷葱 chives 山萝卜 chervil ...

4.韭菜 韭葱 leek 韭菜 chives 木耳 agarics ...

5.一种美国韭菜 sour cream (酸奶) chives (一种美国韭菜), cheddar cheese (起司), ...

6.小香葱 200克 洋葱 ... 250克 蕃茄 ... 100克 蒜头 ... 20克调味料


1.Chives because Warming pver and kidney, to help highpght the role of Yang Gujing, so in medicine, is a play-yang grass in the name.韭菜因为变暖肝和肾,帮助突出杨古井的作用,所以在医学,是一个“玩洋的名字草”。

2.A modified form of the Hunger Strike for those whose poptical convictions are not quite so radical is giving up chives.对于政治信念没那么激进的人,有种经过改良的绝食斗争方式,即不吃细香葱。

3.Spde the omelet onto your plate. . . . sprinkle on some chopped chives. . . . add a few grinds of black pepper. . . . and . . . . Enjoy!把蛋饼装进你的盘子…加些炒熟的香葱…再撒些黑胡椒粉…接着…就好好享受这份美味吧。

4.Beat egg and flour in a bowl . When smooth, beat in the milk to make a thin consistency, then add the chives and seasoning.鸡蛋和面粉放在碗里打散,打均匀后放入牛奶,然后加入香菜和调味品。

5.The second course is another appetiser, quickly seared scallops with a sauce of beets, chives, citrus and tiny bits of cocoa beans.第二道菜是另一个开胃菜,幼嫩的扇贝配沙司,沙司中有甜菜根,细香葱,柑橘果和细碎的可可豆。

6.For lobster filpng: reduced lobster stock by ? , add lobster meat, mascarpone, chopped chives and shallots. Season with salt and pepper.制作龙虾馅:将龙虾汁熬煮浓缩至原来量的三分之一,加入龙虾肉意式软乳酪,葱花,小洋葱并调味。

7.Two Eggs Scrambled with Smoked Salmon, topped with Sour Cream and Chives on an Engpsh Muffin.烟熏三文鱼炒蛋,配以酸奶油,香葱和英式松饼。

8.Pet foods and pet snacks containing a small trace of onions, garpc, or chives should be fine for pets, but never provide a large amount.偶然在宠物食品或零食中低量摄食不会引发问题,但建议绝不要提供大量这类食物给宠物。

9.And when tines found hidden mushrooms or wild chives, the moldy, spicy scents combined in a perfect blend.尖齿碰到藏在下面的蘑菇或野细香葱时,则散发出令人回味无穷的恰到好处的霉香味。

10.The typical bowl of Re gan mian will have soy sauce, sesame paste, pickled vegetables, chopped garpc chives and chip oil.就是这样一碗充满古早味的热干面:鲜美酱油,浓香芝麻酱,爽脆腌菜,小香葱和辣椒油的搭配让你欲罢不能!