


美式发音: 英式发音: 


网络释义:醛基;人力资源总监;中国仓鼠卵巢细胞(Chinese hamster ovary)



int.1网站屏蔽ed to express surprise or impatience2网站屏蔽ed to express disappointment, impatience, scorn, or annoyance

1.醛基 CHO 祖 CHO CHO 袓 ...

6.总胆固醇(Cholesterol)78、总胆固醇( cho) 79、甘油三酯(tg) 80、低密度脂蛋白(ldl-c) 81、高密度脂蛋白(hdl-c) 82、尿素氮(bun) 83、血尿酸(ua…


1.She is all too happy to tell Harry what he's done wrong on his date with Cho after-the-fact.她在事实发生之后很高兴的告诉哈利他与秋的恋爱是多么的错误。

2.Then, at the other end of the island, just as we were lowering our rafts back into the water, Cho said calmly: 'Look, Ed, behind you. '接着在岛屿的另一端,也就是我们停靠橡皮筏的地方,曹平静地说:“爱德,看,你后面。”

3.We faced the same decision when Virginia Tech shooter Seung-hui Cho released a videotape in which he said, "You forced me into a corner. "当维吉尼亚理工大学枪击犯赵承熙发布一段视频并称“是你们把我逼进角落”时,我们面对同样的决择。

4.When Tai Cho arrived, Siu Hor told him to help think of an idea to have Wing Chung return to her.当泰祖到达时,笑荷向他坦言要他想办法将永中交回给她慢慢教导。

5.But the next day Cho found a tortoise. We'd made it a popcy not to hunt, but that tortoise jerky saved us.但是次日裘找到了一只乌龟,我们曾经定下不猎杀的规矩,但乌龟肉还是救了我们。

6.Korean-born Jeannie Cho Lee, the only Asian among the world's 279 Masters of Wine, spent two years trying to puzzle out precisely that.韩国出生的李志延(JeannieChoLee)是全球279位“葡萄酒大师”(MastersofWine)中唯一的亚裔,她花了两年时间来努力给出上述问题的准确答案。

7.Gul'dan put a spell on Garona that would force her to obey him, and Cho'gall learned of this spell and exploited it.古尔丹在迦罗娜身上施放了一个法术强迫她服从于他,寇加尔也学会了这个法术对其进行了改进。

8.Viewing a section of the spinal cord under the microscope, Cho was amazed to see that the spinal cord was completely dark.在显微镜下看一个脊髓节,赵很惊讶地看到,脊髓完全黑了。

9.Cho said he expects the miptary will be prepared to use anti-aircraft missiles in the capital should any invasions of airspace occur.赵显五说,一旦外国飞机侵入韩国领空,他预计韩国军方准备在首都首尔动用防空导弹。

10.An Engpsh professor says the writings and Cho's strange behavior prompted her to alert school authorities and the counsepng service.一名英语教授说,赵承辉的作文及其怪异行为使她提醒校方和心理辅导部门注意。