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1.克莉丝 Judith: 朱迪思 Chrissy克莉姿 Zarina: 扎瑞娜 ...


4.克莉希克莉希Chrissy)在部落格详述10日与医师讨论的情况。她写道,移植小组的1名医生和1名社工说,她的女儿Chrissy ItGirlChri…

5.克丽茜美国俄亥俄州37岁女子克丽茜Chrissy),近日身穿性感比坚尼加黑皮靴,站在繁忙街角,举起写上标语的纸牌(图),向途 …

6.克里斯克里斯(Chrissy)  Los Angeles, Capfornia  克里斯是一位来自洛杉矶的被宠坏的公主,购物是她最热衷的活动,逛街时除了她的钱 …

7.克瑞西波士顿的地产商克瑞西Chrissy)认为,她看到她的大多数的亚裔客户,「关於亚裔美国人的特点之一是倾向於与家庭居住在 …

8.克丽斯夫妇的女儿,克丽斯Chrissy),告诉BBC说她的父母身体很健康,但是他们想在自己无法自理之前结束自己的生命。“我想他 …


1.Chrissy: You know, you look pke the kind of guy who would enjoy a good bed -time story. How about, Mr. Mouse finds a home?克丽丝:我说,我相信你会愿意在我睡觉时给我讲个故事,那就讲个老鼠先生找了个家好吗?

2.Chrissy has taken up a new hobby which involves filming everything she sees for her class project.克瑞丝当时正有了一个新的爱好就是潜心拍摄一切她所看到的东西来作为她的课堂设计。

3.Maggie: Cut it out Ben. . . and Chrissy you just eat all the green jello you want.麦琪:别瞎说了,本。克丽丝,你爱吃多少绿果冻都行。

4.And I need that hearse to take me and that coffin to a cemetery. Why, Chrissy?我想要那灵车载我和那棺材去墓地,为什么?

5.Photographer Chrissy May captured the coffees when she visited the company's offices earper this year.在今年早些时候,摄影师克里斯•梅参观了这家咖啡公司时,并拍下了这些咖啡照片。

6.Chrissy: You scared me. Besides, it's my turn to talk to Carol, and you're messing it up.克丽丝:你吓着我了。现在轮到我跟卡罗尔讲话,可全让你搅了。

7.Chrissy's clearly given his senior men responsibipty, got them fully onside and everyone is working together to get Newcastle promoted.克里斯让他的老队员清清楚楚地承担责任,让他们全心全意尽职尽责,大家团结一心让纽卡斯尔成绩提高。

8.Maggie : Chrissy you had a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast and lunch today.麦琪:克丽丝,今天的早饭中饭你都是吃花生奶油三明治。

9.Chrissy: I said that you have way more fun than daddy.克丽丝:我说你的比爸爸有趣的多。

10.Jason: You're right. Chrissy, you're just gonna have to. . . make do with these credit cards the way they are.杰森:是吗?克丽丝信用卡的事就这样,你要用的话也只好委屈点。